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My eyes landed on the huge diamond my ring finger. The engagement took place just yesterday, it was the worst day of my life. The whole day I was with the monster, his presence was killing me inside. I hated everything,I still wish I didn't  trip that day and he picked up my bags. How can someone's life take such a quick and horrifying turn. I feel sorry for my mom because she has to suffer because of me and I can't do anything. I wish I could kill myself and be free but I'm worried for my mom and what will happen to her. "You seem to like the ring a lot" I didn't dare to look up. He was eying me and I knew where his eyes were, "ummm I wanted to ask something",
"Yes?", "I have my graduation in two weeks", "so?", "can I go?", "no" I looked up. His eyes showed anger and I knew it was worthless arguing with him.

But then it hit me. Who was he? Is he my parent? No, then he has no rights to no to me and I have no rights to ask him I can go wherever I want. He is no one to tell me what to do.



Looking in the mirror Avery smiled, she smiled after a long time. "Ave darling you look so beautiful" smiling at her mother she picked her "mom take care", "are you sure he will not say anything", "mom I don't care even if I get killed today I will go" saying she exited the house. "Avery how have to been" Sara said "I missed you so much" the four girls made their way inside the taxi and reached the collage.

"Did he agree?", "no but I don't care" Avery spoke as a student was giving a speech on the podium, "Avery!", "Sam how are you?" Avery was very happy to see all her friends together. Being locked in the house she was getting tired of not able to live her life happily.


"Avery" Sara pointed towards the gate. Confused, Avery turned towards the gate, her eyes met with the hazel orbs, there he was standing leaning on his car looking at her. "How did he?" She whispered. He was anger,the way his looked at her. Her legs felt weak "Avery are you fine?" Her phone ringed,she saw him signalling her to pick up. "H-hello?", "leave that fucking ceremony and come with me or else forget that you had a mother" her heart sank. How can someone be so heartless? She thought as she made her way towards him. She ignored her friend's words and walked towards him. "Good girl now get into the car" she got inside the car, her body was stiff. The car started moving, she was trembling. The feeling of something bad is about to happen was taking over her.

The whole ride was silent,he was sitting beside her but didn't say a word. The car stopped at her house pulling her outside. He pushed her inside the house, locking the door he looked at her small figure on the floor. She didn't dare to look at him, she looked around but couldn't see a sign of her mother. Her heartbeat increased "I told you not to go there" his voice was clam but held a lot of anger "but you till decided to disobey me and went there for those horny guys to eye rape you" he bent near her level "what should I do with you?", "I'm sorry I won't do it again" she begged him "you won't because what I will do now will make you remember my words every time before you do something" her screamed was heard in the house as he pulled on her hair. "I told you so many fucking time to remember I am not a thing to play with" he but her neck as she screamed for help "but you think I'm some kind of normal person" his hand travelled to her zip and the next movement she was only in the inners "please stop this I won't do anything like this ever please leave me" she cried as he got on top of her "fuck I could fuck toy right now" he looked at her "wish you could feel what I do" he licked her tears "look at me Avery" not getting a answer from her she lost his patience.

She fell on the wooden floor "I said look at me" her checks were blood red "don't make me angry", "please don't please I beg you please" she screamed as he unbuttoned her bra "please don't please.....roman please don't" he suddenly stopped. Hearing his name from her moth made him stop his actions. Getting up went out leaving the weak girl on the floor half naked. Gathering all the clothes she curled around the corner crying.


"Ave.....Ave baby wake up" my eyes opened, my mom was standing in front of me. Suddenly the horrifying scene flashed in front of me from earlier "mom kill me please I don't want to live" I hugged her. I was only in my inners . He almost raped me,he is a monster,he will rot in heel "Avery what happened?", "mom I want to the graduation he found me there and bought me home and almost raped me" I was crying, my body couldn't bare the pain of the marks and biting "Avery stop crying I'm here now he will not do anything" I looked at my mom "mom please help me or he will rip me apart", "stop saying anything Avery I'm here.....god by did I go out", "what?", "I had gone out for stuff" my eyes widened he lied to me about my mom. He used me against my own mom, "Avery what happened darling?", I looked at my mom. "Mom let's run away from that monster"

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat