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The sun arose making Avery realise it was the next day. And she had to go for breakfast with devil. Lazily waking up praying that all this was just a nightmare and she was sleeping in her bed. But soon the drops of water made her realise this was all true and not a dream. Making her way out wearing a towel around her she looked at the box,she didn't wanted to wear it but there was no choice for her. Wearing the dress she didn't mind to brush her hair because she wasn't going to make him happy by seeing her all dressed up for him. "mom I am leaving", "take care sweetheart" her mom was worried and couldn't wait for her daughter to return home as soon as possible.


I got out only to see a car waiting for me "good morning ma'am Sir has sent me to pick you up" I nodded. The man was twice my height and muscular but not as tall and muscular as him. I hated taking his name out of my mouth. I hate him. I did dare to ask the man any questions. I couldn't even call the police because everyone is under him and he controls everything. In our country there is government but one who has the most power controls the nation. Even though we have a president but everyone knows who controls the government. We already reached, the man opened the door for me. "Ma'am please seat wherever you want sir will arrive soon" I came to know that he had booked the entire café for both of us.

It had been 5 minutes and there was no sign of him. "Hope he doesn't come" I whispered to myself but the very next second the door of the café opened. I didn't dare to look up. "Good morning my love" he forcefully grabbed my hand and kissed it "you look beautiful" I still didn't dare to look up. "So what will you have?" I kept quiet "I asked you something love", "j-juice" is what I could reply "fuck is this sweet acting" he called the waiter "two American breakfast,a orange juice and a Americano" I wasn't hungry and also who would eat with him.

After a while the plates came, I started eating slowly. I couldn't finish the whole plate "finish everything" I looked at him for the first time "I-I am full" one whole pancake and few bites of scrambled egg remained in my plate.If I ate more I would throw up. At the whole time I didn't look up from plate. I could feel his eyes on my every move. After a while he finished eating "do you want anything?" I moved my head from left to right indicating a 'no' to him " I need words" he sounded irritated "no". He paid as we both exited the place. I started walking towards the car that brought me here "not in that car" I was feeling relieved but soon that relieved vanished "you are coming with me.....I will drop you" suddenly yesterday's flashbacks ran through my eyes. "I will go from here walking" I didn't know why I said that but it was better to walk for 1 then go with him. "When I say something you have to follow it" he pulled me and pushed me inside the car. It was different from yesterday's car.

Sitting inside I was stiff as a rock,this time I wore pants inside my dress because I don't want him to touch my thighs again. There was silence for 10 minutes and I could feel him looking at me after every second. I was just sitting there fighting my fingers. "Why is my house not coming?" I wondered to myself as it had been 30 minutes of silent driving. Looking up I realised we were far away from home "this is not the road to my house"

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now