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"Ave come down it's time for results" the voice of my mother held an irritation as I didn't listen to her from the last 15 minutes. "Coming" I sprinted down. My friends were already here. Today was the results of our science project,me and 3 of my friends did a project together. Our project got selected at country level and today if we win we would get a chance to give the entrance exam for one the best university in our country. "If we win we are definitely celebrating it" my friend Sara said "of course girls you deserve it". We logged onto the site and waited for the results. We refreshed the site so many times. We all had our fingers crossed and were impatient. The results got announced and we won second place. We all were so happy and were congratulating each others. My mom settled us down "okay I know you all are happy but hold your horses because I have another news for you....i have booked a table for you in 'La Rosé' and the reservation is for Saturday that means you have a day to do shopping" we all screamed with joy as 'La Rosé' was the most expensive and famous restaurant in the whole country. We bid each others 'bye' as 3 of them went home.

"Let's eat dinner,I made your favourite dinner....chicken parmesan" we both ate our dinner while talking about what to shop. After dinner me and mom went for a quick walk, "I am so proud to see you succeed just like your dad" she smiled but that smiled held a pain "mom....lets not think about it" she wiped her tears and said "yes...so what will you wear on Saturday or are you going to buy something" I thought "maybe buy something and also I got paid yesterday" we both walked and talked for a while. We reached home and said 'good night' and went to our rooms. My phone buzzed,it was a message. "Came to know you won second place congratulation" the message was from Sam,a friend of mine. A lot people think we are dating but we aren't we are just really good friends. I 'thanked' him and went to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of amazing coffee. My mom makes the best coffee in the world. "Good morning" I wished her as she served me breakfast. I received a call while eating breakfast "yes Sara?", "hope you have not forgotten about us going to shopping", "yes I do" we both talked and decided the time to meet up. After the breakfast I took a shower and got ready for college. "Bye mom see you later" I was walking when I saw a bunch of people surrounding our college. I asked Sam what was happening and he said that someone broke into the principals office and allegedly tried to kill him. The whole day went into police asking all the students including me. After the college I went to my part time job. I work as a cashier into a grocery store.

After completing my shift me and Sara met each other. "Where's Julie and Millie", "they both are already are there we are ones late come on let's go" we both rushed to reach the mall. Once reaching we first had some food as all of us were hungry. Burgers and fries are the best thing to have after working all day. After the food we first went to buy some necklaces. Everything was really beautiful in the shop and I wished I could buy everything. We next went to buy dresses. All of us decided to not show our dresses now and directly show it tomorrow. "Hope that we don't pick the same dress" Millie said "I hate matching unless it's my boyfriend" , "not like you have one" Julie said and all of us laughed. We picked up our dress and ended our shopping.

Reaching home I showed mom the stuff I bought and asked her to come with us "no you all go it's your achievement....if I will be there you won't be able to enjoy or drink", mom! You know I don't drink or neither does anyone of us" she laughed like I made some joke. I also wanted her with us because she did a lot of work in the project. Sara,Julie and Millie live in dorms as their parents live in different states. "I'm so excited for tomorrow" I said and drifted to sleep.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now