Party Time | KirishimaxBakugo x Reader

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"Hey girl! Need help?" I narrow my eyes, looking up at Kirishima as he bounds down the crowded street toward me with a broad grin. The villain I'd been in the middle of securing took my momentary lapse of attention to punch me across the jaw. A collective gasp runs through the crowd and I grit my teeth, and finish securing him.

"I did... about 10 minutes ago!" I spat. I tighten the bonds, a little tighter than necessary, before all but dropping him to the ground. The villain had been running rampant through a busy intersection picking up vehicles with super strength and tossing them has far as he could.

"Looks like I arrived just in time then," Kiri smiles at me. I roll my eyes. "Here, cameras are on." He slings a muscled arm over my shoulder, grinning at the numerous flashing cameras from on sight reporters. I smile for a few moments, letting them get their shots of the pro heros to the rescue before waving them away.

"Alright, alright. Police are here, back away. Please move away," I call.

Kirishima helps with crowd control as I spoke with police, passing on all relevant information about the attack. It didn't take long and soon they were dumping the villain into a squad car and rolling away, the crowd slowly getting back to what they were doing. I nod to myself, turn on my heel and begin walking back down the road, rubbing at my face as I think about the paperwork that I'm about to spend hours doing.

"It feels like forever since I've you!" I feel a familiar arm wrap around my shoulder and I suppress a groan.

"I saw you last week Kiri," I grit out. "Don't you have something else you could be doing? Like.. not bothering me?" I ask sweetly.

He shoots me a smirk before pulling me closer to him. I give up resisting and lean into him too. "You going tonight? 'Supposed to be a hell of a party."

"Yeah," I nod. "I'll be there. Wouldn't want to let sweet Deku down, now he's someone I haven't gotten too see much, he's too busy for the likes of us. Plus, I'm really looking forward to seeing Mina and everyone else!"

"Yeah," he chuckles. "I'm glad you're going..." I feel his eyes on me and I try not to tense when I predict his next few words. "Bakugo will be there. How's that going - oof! Hey, it was just a question." I had elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"I've got paperwork to do. See you later Kiri."

"See ya girl. Looking forward to it." He winks before turning on his heel, heading the way we came. I frown when I see a wispy looking reporter only a few yards in front of him but think nothing of it when my mind is once again dragged back to the thought of paperwork.

I sigh loudly as I step out of my private car, glancing up at the private estate Midoriya had purchased shortly after becoming the #1 hero. Walking up the grand stairs leading to a massive front door, I raise my hand to knock when it opens on its own. A servant in a handsome jacket bows to me. "Lady Y/N, everyone is in the parlor down this hall and they have been awaiting your arrival."

"Th-thank you. Just right this way?" He nods and I smile at him before following the noise of people laughing. The marble floors were polished and the walls tastefully decorated. "This must be Urarakas decorating," I mumble to myself. I round a corner, and immediately get pounced on by a tiny body.

"Y/N!! I'm so glad you could make it! How are you? Nice save today! You and Kirishima made the front page!" Uraraka beamed at me after she lets me go and I can't help but smile back, her joy was infectious.

"I'm good. You look amazing! I love the place, I can tell you decorated." I follow her when she grabs my hand, dragging me towards everyone. "We made the news?"

Anime Men x Reader 🍋 (Book 2) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora