The Ritual | Akaza x Reader

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Demons are real. I've known it for as long as I can remember. Younger me was always confused about why no one else outside of my family seemed to acknowledge that fact. As I got older, I began to understand why their existence was kept on the low. They were dangerous, deadly. Living their life with the only goal of feasting on human flesh. The Demon Slayers helped to maintain the demon population, but going that route in life didn't appeal to me.

I learned everything I know about demons from my grandmother. She practiced and lived the ways of a witch, keeping mostly to herself at her cabin in the woods. She once shared with me that my grandfather was eaten by a demon, but she never went into further detail, only telling me the story was too much for her to share. That didn't keep her from sharing the other secrets she knew about demons with me.

Like the fact that wisteria repels and weakens them. Only a special sword made from special metal can kill them, and only if they're beheaded. Direct sunlight also kills them in a matter of seconds.... and there's a way to summon one. Which is what I plan on doing tonight.

My grandma had told me she summoned one once, said that she wanted to avenge my grandpa. It didn't work out how she had wanted. She refused to elaborate further. Grandma sure was an odd duck.... I miss her. Grandma, I hope you're proud of me.

Sighing, I place the last of the candles in the correct space around my summoning circle. Quickly lighting the candles, I fall to my knees as I scratch out a chalk circle, connecting the points set by the candles. Glancing over at my grandmas old leather bound journal, I double check the spelling of the demons name one last time.

"This is the only one you knew grandma... you once said he was kind.. one of the rare details you shared about the long ago experience. I hope the same remains true to this day." I blow out the moon candle I had set beside her journal and hear the loud crack of thunder from outside. That's a good sign.

Picking up the chalk once more, I begin to spell the name of the demon. "A.. K.. A.. Z.. A... Akaza. By the blood right of my foremothers and her foremothers before her... I summon you to my circle." Picking up the opal blade beside me, I hold my arm out and slice through the flesh of my inner forearm. Hissing through the pain, I let the blood drip over the name. The chalk begins to steam so I put the knife back on the floor and bow my head to wait.

It didn't take long. Every candle in my cabin blew out at once. My body stiffens on instinct when I feel a predatory presence behind me, and the hair on the back of my neck rises. "I know you're there," I breathe.

"Are you not afraid?" His voice was smooth and even, deep and alluring.

"No," I answer honestly. "I have no reason to fear you."

"I answered your call for simple amusement. I recognized the energy you were emitting and thought when I arrived here I would see the same old woman from before. Imagine my shock when I saw you kneeling in front of me, almost like a present."

"That woman was my grandmother. That's probably why you thought you knew me."

"Why did you summon me human?" His voice now rang with an edge of annoyance that had my stomach churning.

"Is it okay to look at you?" I can feel him pause, obviously surprised by my question. He doesn't reply so I take that as an answer. Turning around slowly, I forget how to breathe for a moment when I see him. Despite the strange markings, his face was devilishly handsome. His open vest revealed more of the same markings as well as a well made chest and perfect abs. Oh no, he's hot! Be cool Y/N, be cool.

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