The Stalker | Eren x Reader

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I sigh softly as I walk into my house, closing the door quietly behind me. My steps echo as I move to the kitchen and the rose on my counter immediately catches my eyes. I pick it up between two fingers, twirling it delicately. I sniff it once before setting it down and heading to my room.

I rub at my face and come up short when I see a rose on my pillow. He's getting brave.

About three months ago I had found the first rose in my kitchen. I had freaked out, tearing it to pieces with tears streaming down my cheeks. That same week I had begun seeing a shadow in the corner of my eye. Always there and following me around at the grocery store, the book store, even at my job. A week later another rose appeared but my curiosity had been peaked.... And now here we are....

Thunder shakes my windows, pulling me out of my stupor. I sigh again and pull my shirt over my head when I hear a creak from down the hall. Seems like someone didn't leave... I bite my lip as I head into my bathroom, leaving the door open in an attempt at an invitation. 

I flip the shower on and undress the rest of the way as I let the water warm up. I hear a faint creak again and look over my shoulder. Come play...

I step into the water and let it run over my sore body, sighing happily as my muscles relax. I wonder if that rumor about not showering in a storm is true.... Just as the thought runs through my head another loud thunder crack shakes my house, and the lights shut off.

"Fuck," I groan. I whine in my throat, about to shut the water off when I feel a rush of cool air. I gasp when I feel a presence fill the bathroom. I bite my lip and smile. "I know you're there." I hear a small intake of breath from my stalker. "Well? Are you going to join me or are you too scared?"

There's a silent pause and the tension has me feeling shaky when all of a sudden I hear clothes shuffling. The door to my shower opens slowly and I sense him behind me. The only sound I can hear is my racing heart. I gasp when I feel a single finger running down the length of my spine. "What's your name?" I breathe.


The sound of his deep, masculine voice sends shivers all over me. A second hand joins as his fingers dance across my wet skin, the rough pads of his fingers make an ache form deep in my core. "I want to touch you," I whisper. I turn around and slowly reach a hand out until it comes in contact with firm abs. I place my other hand on his skin and drag them both up over toned muscle until I get to his collar bones.

I work my way up, feeling a sharp jaw line, full lips and a proud, straight nose. His hair feels silky, falling roughly to his shoulders. "You're beautiful," I whisper. "What took you so long?"

He says nothing so I turn back around. His hand finds my hip and I gasp in surprise when he squeezes it. "You left the door open."

"I knew you were here," I say quietly.

"What were you wanting Y/N?" The sound of my name on his lips almost makes me moan, and I feel soaked between my thighs despite being in the shower. "What is it that you want?" His warm breath tickles my ear as he steps closer behind me.

"I...," I gulp. "I.. I want you," I pant.

"Fuck," he whispers. "I should leave before I do something you'll regret...."

"I won't! I won't regret it. I want you Eren...,"

"Fuck," he groans. His hand slides down my ass before dipping towards my pussy. He slides two fingers in and I feel his head resting between my shoulder blades. He rubs over my entrance before pulling away and the next thing I know he's shoving his entire length deep into me.

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