The Roommates pt.2 | ErenxArmin x Reader

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I rush up to my door holding the keys, I unlock it quickly before rushing inside. "I'm home!" I call and shiver, rubbing the goose bumps on my legs. I knew there was a cold front coming, but I had worn a skirt to class anyways. I was hoping it would come in after I got home, but my luck wasn't having it.

I don't get a reply, so I assume Eren and Armin are still on campus. I kick my shoes off and head to the kitchen, flipping the light on. I throw my bag on the island and lean across it. I flip through my stuff, pulling out my laptop and the assignment Professor Levi had assigned us. I groaned, not looking forward to this essay. Professor Levi was known for being a stickler about essays, and yet I didn't believe the warnings. I had been super wrong. My last essay I had poured my heart and soul into and he still gave me only a B.

I open my laptop and get into my work, scrolling through multiple pages and writing down various points that I think would work with my essay. I'm so focused I don't hear someone coming down the stairs, and sneaking up behind me.

"Boo!" Armin whispers in my ear and pinches my sides. I jump seven feet in the air and scream, clutching my chest. I spin around and see him standing right behind me, laughing his ass off.

"Armin!" I yell, rubbing my chest. "You scared the shit out of me!" He wipes tears from his eyes and ruffles his hair. I glare at him and turn around, ignoring him.

"Awe, I'm sorry. That was too funny Y/N, you should pay more attention to your surroundings. Someone could snatch you," he teases before pinching my side again.

I swat at him without looking and roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'm not gonna get snatched in my own house." I bend back over and keep scrolling on the page I was on. I feel him press into me and wrap his arms around my waist, planting his head on my shoulder to look at what I'm doing.

"Whatcha workin on?" He asks, his deep voice rumbling down my body.

I try to ignore the throb in my pussy when I feel his shirtless chest pressed to my back. "An essay for Professor Levi," I whine. "It's not due for two weeks, but I'm getting a head start on it."

"Mmmmm. You work too hard." He buries his head in my neck and kissed my skin softly. Chills prick up my spine and I do my best to ignore the building desire I'm feeling.

"Stoooop," I giggle. "I'm trying to focus. Where did you even come from anyway? I didn't hear anyone here?" I ask, not looking away from what I was reading.

"Hange let us out early, so I was done for the day. I came home and took a nap." He answers, still talking into my neck. He slowly starts moving his hands down my torso, his fingers drawing random shapes and patterns.

"That was nice of her. You could have done homework," I snipe. Trying not to feel too distracted from his warm hands on my still cold body was failing. I was putty in his hands as they trail even further down my body.

"Mmmm yeah, maybe." I bite my lip when I feel his hands on my thighs, directly under my skirt. Both hands snake up and grip my ass, squeezing the plush flesh. "But how can I when you're so... distracting?"

I bite my lip when I feel his tongue drag over my neck. "Armin...," I breathe. His large hands flex on my ass again and I feel my resolve crumbling.

"Turn around." He whispers in my ear before grabbing my hips and spinning me to face him. I'm eye level with his chest so I look up to meet his eyes. He leans down and starts to kneel before me.

He slides his hands up my thighs slowly, hooking his fingers into my panties before pulling them down just as slow. He looks at me with a smirk before wrapping a large hand around the back of my thigh, and pulls my leg over his shoulder.

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