Halloween Party | Sanemi x Reader

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"Uggh, do we have to go?" I groan. "He's for sure going to be there, undoubtedly with some tramping hoe...." I look back at Mitsuri and roll my eyes when she shrugs her shoulders.

"So? Just flirt with someone else to piss him off, you look hot as fuck so it'll probably work." She adjusts a microscopic problem with her perfect makeup before turning to me. "Plus you know Sanemi likes you so you could easily just mess around with him."

I raise a brow at her in reply before taking another shot. "Fuck it," I sigh. "Let's get this over with. Promise to hold my hair back if I puke?"

She giggles and gets up, walking over to me with a pinky out. "Pinky promise."

"I can't do this," I gulp. Unease and alcohol make my stomach clench as I come to a halt.

"Quitters talk, keep moving." Mitsuri pushes me to move and I reluctantly keep walking. "Your ass looks great in this costume."

"It's practically lingerie with bunny ears," I grumble. I turn to look at her but all I can see are her boobs falling out of her corset. "Obanai gonna like all that?"

"I don't give a fuck, let's drink."

The thumping base of "Down on Me" by Jeremih greets us as we walk into the huge frat house. I look around nervously to see if I could spot my ex. I don't see him but my heart leaps when I spot Sanemi on a couch with a vape in his hand and a girl in his lap. Why am I disappointed to see that?

Pushing away my feelings, I all but run to a table filled with alcohol. I slam two shots and pour myself a drink before having the courage to turn around. Taking a deep breath, I scan the crowd for Mitsuri and quickly spot her.

She was in the middle of the dance floor shaking her was like her life depended on it. A small crowd had formed around her, her body moving effortlessly in time with the beat of the music. I glance around and quickly spot Obanai leaning against a wall with a thunderous look on his face as he watched her.

Laughing to myself now that the shots were kicking in, I launch myself into the crowd and hurry to her side. Throwing myself in her arms with a giggle, I plant a kiss to her cheek. "I missed you!" My head was beginning to feel foggy and I grin broadly at her.

"It's only been 5 minutes," she laughs back. "Are you already drunk?"

"Maybe," I say slyly. "Let's dance!"

It was easy to loose track of time with the combination of alcohol and transcendent music. We take turns grinding on each other, and spinning around the other's body until we were both light headed and sweating.

Wrapping my arms around Mitsuri, I lay my head on her shoulder as it spins out of control. "I need another drink," I sigh.

"Uh oh, trouble 3 o'clock," she whispers.

"Don't tell me..," I groan. I peak over a shoulder and swallow my heart back down my throat when I see my ex. "Ugh, I'm gonna puke," I mumble.

Ducking my head, I run towards the closest hallway. I didn't really need to puke, I was just going to hide until I was able to get my life together. "If I say I don't feel good, I can just leave the party early... yeah that'll work... She will und- oof," I cut off with a gasp.

My head spins violently as I'm hauled up and over a shoulder to a dizzying height. "Where were you running off to?" A sultry voice asks.

"Tengen! Put. Me. Down," I growl. I gasp again when he spins us around, heading back towards the throng of people.

Anime Men x Reader 🍋 (Book 2) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя