Save It | Villain Krishima x Reader

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"Are you serious?" I choke out. Tears well in my eyes as I look over Bakugous shoulder once more to the woman in our bed. "I can't... I can't keep doing this... I...," I don't even finish my sentence before I turn around to rush our of our apartment. He doesn't even attempt to stop me and the tears actually fall free as I slam the door behind me.

I'm such an idiot, I'm such an idiot. I never should have trusted him, all he ever did was lie... I don't even realize I'm in my car until I'm turning onto the highway. I wipe blinding tears from my eyes, trying not to swerve into oncoming traffic. "Fuck!" I yell. "Was it all a lie? Why did I ever believe him?"

I wipe more tears away, unsure of where to go. It's not like I have any fucking friends, I pushed them all away for him! I hardly talk to my parents because of him! I don't even have a job because he wanted to take care of me! "What a joke that turned out to be!" I scoff.

It seemed like my mind knew where it wanted to go though, and I realized what part of town I was in as I exit the highway. Too soon, and I'm pulling into one of my favorite old haunts. I wonder if he will be here...

With shaky hands, I put the car in park and look up at the run down bar. "It looks exactly how I feel...," I sigh. I jump when I hear my phone begin to ring and groan when I see who's calling. "Can't you just leave me alone??" I scream. Throwing my phone in my purse, I get out of the car and slam the door. I need a strong drink... or three...

Rubbing my face, I duck my head as I enter the bar and slink up to the bartender. Wiping my eyes again, I give him a weak smile. "Double crown and coke please."

"It's on the house sweetheart, you look like you need it." He shoots  me a weird look before sliding the drink to me.

"You have no idea... thanks," I whisper.

"Drink that fast and head home. A pretty little thing like you doesn't need to be here for long, alright?"

"You don't even know what kind of quirk I have," I laugh dryly. "I could have been a real top pro hero, but I threw my life away from some cheating asshole. Hell, you'd probably know him if I told you his hero name." I look into my drink before slamming it back. "Another."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Three drinks later, and I pay my tab. "Th-thank you," I hiccup.

"Just...," he sighs. "Get home safe, ok? I don't want to see your face on the news tomorrow... There's a lot of creeps in this area."

"I'll... I'll do.. my best.. sir. Thank you again. Have a go-good night." I feel his eyes on me as I head towards the exit. I pull my phone out of my purse and see 10 missed calls, and literally another comes in as I'm looking at my phone. "Ugh, damnit. Hello?"

"Y/N? Why haven't you been answering? Where the hell are you?"

"Wh-why the fu..fuck do you careeee? You know... I loved you since school.... and... I threw my entire life away. And for what? For what? For you to fucking cheat on me?" I was working myself up to get really pissed when I suddenly bump into someone. "S'cuse me.... sorry sir....," I gulp. He's definitely a villain...

"Y/N? Who are you talking to? Answer me baby..." Bakugous voice fades out as the man looks down at me.

"Where you goin' sweetie? This late at night and all alone...," he rumbles. He looks me up and down and I feel my skin crawl.

"Yeah, I'm on the way home babe, see you soon I gotta go." I hang up in a rush and try to sidestep around this mountain of a man. "Excuse me... I'm just gonna head to my car..."

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