They both jumped down from Appa, climbing up through the makeshift stone stairs towards the meditating guru, one that Natsuko hasn't seen for so long. People have forgotten the ways of enlightenment of sorts and usually those who does always hail from the Air Nomads. Humanity has been greedy with the pleasures of life, indulging in hurt and happiness to make it worth living. It's no secret that Natsuko and Aang were also human despite it all.

The Guru introduced himself as a spiritual brother to the Southern Air Temple, a good friend of Aang's guardian during his life before the brutal disaster of what the Fire Nation had done. He was able to teach Aang about unlocking the full potential of the Avatar State and to enter it by will. Natsuko knew that it was indeed true so before sunrise the following day, they started their training.

"Isn't Natsuko joining us?"

It was probably during witch hour when Aang was awoken to start his training but noticed that his spirit wasn't with them to start. He asked Guru Pathik why she wasn't present with them and instead, asked her to join before he would even start, "Alright, boy, easy."

It was an hour after when they were ready to unlock the Avatar State, "Aang, tell me everything you know about chakras."

"What are chakras?" Aang asked him while rubbing his eyes.

The Guru was not amused with Aang's limited knowledge, before turning to the spirit with them. Now Natsuko wasn't sure why she was also doing this, she only came along because the last time she left Aang along he got stuck inside ice for a hundred years. She also didn't tell him about things that might overwhelm him at this state, no Avatar his age was able to know about it, not even knowing they were the Avatar until they turn 16. So when the Guru looked at Natsuko, she was expecting a scolding all about it, "Tell me then, spirit, what do you know about chakras?"

"Well." she thought of it really hard, "Chakras are what moulds the physical and spiritual energy within our body, gained from practice and experience. It can be manipulated to heighten one's senses, gather natural energy, give more physical strength for bending."

"Excellent!" they both looked at Aang who didn't process any word Natsuko said, "I guess we'll start with the basics."

"The water flows through this creek much like the energy flows through your body." the Guru swished his stick around the water moss and the pond, "As you see, there are several pools where the water swirls around before flowing on. These pools are like our chakras."

"So, chakras are pools of spiralling energy in our bodies?" Natsuko nodded at Aang's question, "Exactly."

"If nothing else were around, this creek would flow pure and clear."

However, life doesn't present to humanity with pure intentions and clear thoughts, brings people the benefit of doubts and blurred visions that let them fall to the deep waters. But life was always filled with surprises, even if the pool of life won't be able to flow the water towards the whole body of water and soul, a body cleansed from all blockades, "The energy flows!"

"There are seven chakras that go up the body." Guru Pathik led them inside the caves below the Air Temples, "Each pool of energy has a purpose and can be blocked by a specific king of emotional muck."

While Natsuko's other half was very persistent in learning, even if he wasn't sure of what consequences it might prelude to, Natsuko herself was sitting on and showed fear in her stance and face. It was just so long ever since she even put effort into sitting for another chakra lesson, not even sure if she was still able to open them since she found no reason to be spiritual more in a place for spirits which is unsarcastically called "The Spirit Realm". But she cannot let Aang see her like this, it might make him scared as well.

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