The Aftermath

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Anna's pov:
The minute I walked inside I was face to face with Sam, he was pissed. I could feel the tension rising between us with each passing second.

"Before you say anything, I can explain" I broke the awful silence, and started to rack my brain for a good justification for what happened

"I really hope you can. For your own butts sake..." his tone was dark and he slowly approached me. I noticed I was still standing in the doorframe frozen. "What were you thinking anna! Do you realize how something like this can impact your academic record?" He started what I knew would be a long and harsh scolding and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"I was just so busy all week! I barely had time to study for that class. And I didn't wanna get a bad grade!" I said weakly.

"That's nobody's fault but your own. If you want to start playing sports you need to learn time management"

"I know I know" I said throwing my hands up i defeat. "I just didn't have a choice this time-"

"Excuse me?" Sam cut me off, taking another step closer to me. I have to admit it was a bit intimidating with him towering over me, glaring with his arms crossed over his chest. "You could have asked us for help, told us you were behind. I would have set aside time for us to study. You could have admitted you were irresponsible, answer to me but I'd probably understand. Instead you dug yourself into an even deeper hole."

I nodded sheepishly, sams speech left me little to argue with.

"You had several choices. And you made the wrong one knowingly. I'm really disappointed in you Anna" he sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said, barely above a whisper.

"Or are you just sorry you got caught?" He asked.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Seriously?" Suddenly I felt too confident and forgot how this situation usually ends.

Sam let out a dark chuckle. "That right there tells me everything I need to know. If you were truly sorry you wouldn't dare have an attitude with me right now" he raised a brow before turning around and sitting down on the couch. "Get over here anna"

"But I ammm!" I whined, annoyed.

"Here. Now. Do not make me get up to get you." His tone left little room for defiance, and I slowly walked over to him. He put a strong grip on my forearm as he dragged me across his lap.

From there the painful spanking didn't delay itself. I felt his strong heavy hand land rapidly over my ass. SMACK. I felt the first hit echo around the room and I let out a hiss. It didn't take long for me to start squirming helplessly to avoid each hard smack.

SMACK SMACK SMACK Sam stayed quiet focused on nothing but making my butt feel more and more fire with each spank. He paused after another minute and I reached back to try and rub some of the sting out but my hands were roughly pushed away.

"We aren't even half done anna." He said coldly, while I felt him start to pull my jeans down.

"No Sammy please" I begged.

"Tell me why your being punished." Ugh I hated answering a question like that so much.

"I ummm..." I stuttered and trailed off before a quick extra hard smack right on my sit spots brought my attention back. "For cheating on my math test." I sighed.

"And?" He questioned, raising his hand up in the air over my ass threateningly.

"Not studying, and trying to cover it up?"

SMACK SMACK "is that a question?" I shook my head in response.

"No sir." I mumbled. My cheeks blushing in embarrassment.

"Correct SMACK SMACK you're being spanked for being irresponsible SMACK stubborn SMACK and cheating SMACK" god I hated the way sam was dragging this out. I felt my pants and underwear come down the second I felt the cold air hit my burning ass.

SMACK SMACK "Owww" I yelped out. It was the damn wooden spoon. SMACK I cried out in pain. I fucking hated that thing.

"Maybe SMACK this will SMACK SMACK help you understand that in no situation SMACK is cheating the right choice SMACK SMACK."

"Owee- I know i-im sorry" I pleaded out as tears started to fall.

"I know SMACK but sorry doesn't cut it SMACK" I felt a bit better knowing he was starting to forgive me now. "Do you have any idea SMACK SMACK the kind of problems SMACK cheating SMACK Can cause for your academic record?"

"Yes! Ow- yes s-sir" I sobbed. Sam found a steady rhythm letting the spoon fall over each cheek and then my upper thighs over and over, leaving behind a burning sting.

"You are so lucky SMACK your teacher was kind enough to let you do extra credit SMACK SMACK."

"I OWW I know" I sobbed harder. "Owww please Sir.. it won't happen again" each hit was coming down harder than the last. I knew I was going to be feeling this one for a while.

"I know it won't SMACK. So help me god SMACK SMACK if I ever hear about you cheating again SMACK this will feel like a love tap SMACK" 

He couldn't be serious, he was tearing my ass apart right now. In no world would this ever feel like a love tap.

"Ten more Anna." His voice softened. I drew in a shaky breath. Just 10 I heard the dreaded number as I squeezed my eyes shut. SMACK SMACK SMACK. I couldn't help it and my hands flew back desperately trying to protect myself. Sams big hand effortless caught them pinning my wrist to my back.

"SMACK SMACK almost done anna" he said sternly. Ugh I was desperate at this point, just get it over with. It was as if sam could read my mind and did the exact opposite. He took his sweet time after the next smack. Letting the sting fully sink in before swinging the spoon down harshly again. SMACK the last one finally landed and I gasped, crying out in pain. I just layed there for a second trying to calm myself down as I felt sams hand rub my back in circles.

"It's okay anna, shhh It's over" he whispered gently as I hiccuped over his lap. I whined again as he pulled my rough denim jeans over my butt before standing me up again. He grabbed my backpack off of the floor. "Come with me" he gestured for me to follow, and I complied as I let out a small sniffle. I followed him to his room, as he sat down on his bed opening up my backpack. He pulled out my math folder, grabbing the stack of extra credit worksheets Mr. Jacobson gave me and placed them on his desk. He also took the slip attached to my test and stared at it. "Sit." He pointed at his big desk chair.

"Cmon Sammy do I have to?" I shot him a pleading look which was met by him raising a brow.  I sat, wincing and squirming feeling the hard chair against my sore ass.

"Your going to sit here and start working on these assignments. Once they're done I'll sign this, understood?" He commanded. Ugh are you kidding me, there were like 10 pages of math problems and I really didn't want to have to sit through all of these. I opened my mouth getting ready to argue against it, but with one glance I knew that it would just mean another spankinf and I couldn't take more so soon. I just nodded and let out a small sigh before starting my work.

Deans pov:
Work was slow today, I heard everything about what happened with Anna from Sam throughout the day. I'm not gonna lie I was pissed at her. I wanted to go pick her up from school and blister her ass myself. But I knew Sammy would handle it better. I mean he's much more of the academic type, I technically didn't even finish high school. I let him know I trusted him to handle it however he see fit.  I knew they were gonna be wrapped up with her makeup work after her punishment so the most I could do was offer to pick up dinner after I got off of patrol.

I ordered takeout from one of our favorite resturants in town. After leaving the station I revved up my impala and drove over there before heading home. I only spent about a minute in the restaurant just grabbing our food and paying. I stepped back outside and walked over to my car. Are you fucking KIDDING ME? My blood started to boil and I almost threw our takeout across the parking lot. Someone fucking smashed my window. My center console was wide open with my papers and other shit thrown around, my emergency cash was missing. I slammed my fist down angrily on my hood and looked around the parking lot. Nobody else was there. I let out the breath I had been holding, thank fucking god I left my gun at the station today. If that got into the streets I could loose my job. Whoever the fuck did this was going to pay.

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