Eruption (part 10)

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Oh. Shit. What did I just do im such an idiot. Jay looked at me confused.

"why did you send that to your brothers?" He laughed

"To provoke them i guess" I sighed, anxiously shutting off my phone. Its fine, if I can't see them respond I could keep telling myself that they wont notice. Ugh I might have really just ruined my social life with that stunt.

On the bright side showing up to Mrs. Hunts class easily took my mind off of things. Jay and I walked down the hall hand in hand till we caught up with ava and laid eyes on an empty classroom, all of the students stood around outside reluctant to enter because of the smell. Ava sent a quick video to the rest of our friends, bragging about our work. A few minutes later things got even better some substitute teacher told us all that mrs. hunt left for the day and we had a free period to hang out in the library and study. SCORE.

"Omg Ava girl I have to tell you about jay!!!" i squealed for the millionth time this week once we reached some comfy chairs in the library to sit down and gossip in.

"Ugh Anna, you know he has the reputation of being a major player. especially with the freshman right?" She warned me again.

"Yeah.. but we have something different. I dont know how to describe it but its real" I explained. "So anyway, he kissed me today in class! I dunno, I was angry and wanted to annoy my brothers so I sent them a pic. Wish me luck haha" I giggled again.

We dove into several other topics, which eased our minds from worrying about the possibility of getting caught with our little prank from earlier. Ranging from when the hell jesse and alex were finally going to admit they had feelings for each other. To which teachers at the school we thought were hot.

"You know, your brother dean isn't so bad himself" Ava admitted.

I burst out laughing "Gross are you kidding me! He's like 27"

"Just sayin'" she shrugged.

Ugh well theres something else to avoid thinking about for the rest of the day. Just then we were suddenly popped from our thoughts with someone entering the library, I recognized her as the vice principal. "Anna Winchester and " she glanced at a paper she was holding. " and... Ava Meadows I need to speak with you for a moment."

Shit... Ava and I exchanged nervous glances and hesitantly followed her out of the library.

"Whats this about?" I ask in my best confused and I don't give a shit voice.

"The principal just has some questions for the two of you and your friends" She responded vaguely and ushered us into the principals office. I looked around, connor and jay were already there. Connor was sitting with his head down as if he didnt want to be noticed and jay was sitting up with his arms cockily crossed over his chest.

"You are all in serious trouble" The principal began a long lecture. I took a seat in between Jay and connor.

"I dont know what your talking about." I said cockily as well. There was no way in hell he could relate this to me, I blended in with the rest of the class leaving and everyone hates that bitch, none of her students would tell.

"Is that so Ms. Winchester" He said, raising a brow at me. He turned around a monitor and showed us the screen with all four of us, Jay walking down the hallway with mrs hunt chasing him, and then it cut to view inside the classroom with us clearly placing all of the stink bombs around the room.

"I mean can you blame us?" Jay spoke up. My eyes widened, he was right but damn that guy had some balls.

"Heres whats going to happen, I will be calling home for Anna, Connor, and Ava. Jayden since your 18 I dont need to, your going to be suspended for a day. and all four of you need to write apology letters to Mrs. Hunt." He began. But I zoned out. Wait WHAT? Jays EIGHTEEN??? I glanced at him confused. I knew he was a senior but i never realized he was that much older than me. Whatever, I guess that was a conversation for another time. No wonder he got to be so cocky with the principal though, its exactly the way I would have been when I was still living with dad.

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