Boys will be boys (Part 17)

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A/N: hey guys finally an update. This was a hard one to write lmao. Nothing makes me feel old like the fact that its gotten hard for me to express young teenage girl love. I dont knowww like i rememer feeling like im trying to describe annas love for jay. But putting it into words has gotten hard b/c im an adult and now im just like ew who would like guys like that. but i hope the message came across okay. Anyway hope you enjoy!!

Things had been tense between Jay and I ever since Halloween. Don't get me wrong I've never had a problem throwing a punch or anything like that. Hell my dad gave me combat training when I was like 10, but something about the way he hit that kid just didn't sit right with me. I had kinda been ignoring his texts for a week now. Usually I would have expected to at least see him in math class but he wasn't showing up... senior privilege I guess.

Whatever, I was just glad I haven't had to see him in a while. Unfortunately when I walked into my math class that morning he was the first thing I saw. "Hey babygirl" he greeted me with a smile as  I walked over slowly. I'm not gonna lie seeing him again I felt pretty guilty about ghosting him recently.

"Hey jay, I missed you" I lied through my teeth, part of me really did, but another part of me didn't. We sat down together at the back of our math class, and he put his arm around me as if nothing was wrong. I stayed there silently, reflecting in my thoughts. I didn't want to tell him what was wrong, partially because I didn't think he would care. And if that's the case I really don't want to find that out. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

As class was dismissed jay gave me a kiss before we parted ways. I pulled away quickly after. "Babe, can we talk"

"Of course gorgeous, about what?" My heart sank, oh I don't know maybe about punching a guy, me ignoring you and then pretending like nothing ever happened???

"Uh..." I started looking for the words but cousins seem to find any. "Nevermind" i sighed. He smiled, and started walking down the hall in the opposite direction. "I love you" i whispered as he walked away. Almost like it was less directed to him and more a reminder to myself that I loved him. I didn't want to mess up our relationship.

Later that day I took some time to catch up with my friends about the whole situation.

"Girl you gotta get rid of him" Katie said adamantly. And I understood why, I just really didn't want to.

"But ughhhh I cant" I started to explain. "He just makes me so happy" we argued about it a little while longer to no avail. I knew that they were right but I don't know. There was something about him I couldn't get over. I kept zoning out during my last few classes of the day, trying to work out this situation with jay in my head.

"Miss Winchester are you paying attention!" I heart a sharp voice snap from the front of the classroom. Mrs. Adams harshly snapped at me, jerking me out of my own thoughts.

"Yes sorry" I nodded and apologized.

"Keep it up and you'll have detention" okay uh wow. That escalate quickly, what the fuck is her problem. I just secretly rolled my eyes and waited for her to keep reaching. My brothers would not be happy if I had a detention. Finally I made it home from school. Dean and Sam were both still at work so I had an hour or so to myself. I collapsed onto my bed and ran my hands through my hair. What the fuck should I do about this. I switched between frantic pacing and mindlessly scrolling on my phone untill I finally heart my brothers come home. I happily went downstairs to greet them looking for some sort of distraction.

Unfortunately enough Dean was in a pissy mood, the second I opened the door I noticed his jaw was clenched in anger. I quietly observed his entrance to see what this could possibly be about.
"I'm just pissed, how could that even happen" Dean complained to Sam, waving his hands in the air.
"Dean chill out man" Sam sighed, rubbing his forehead. This stil wasn't giving me anything good to go off of. I mentally went through my day to see if I had maybe done something to get in trouble. There was the class thing but I think I got away with it.
"It's crazy, do they expect me to just- oh hey Anna how was school" Dean switched his tone the second he laid eyes on me but I stood there just as curious as I was a second ago.

"What was that about" I questioned intently.
"Work crap, don't worry about it" he answered shortly.
"Okayyy?" I said hesitantly.
"Just drop it" Dean said again, with more force this time. I decided to listen for once and figured I could snoop later, it's no big deal.

Later that night dean had calmed down for sure. and we were playing videogames together before bed. I had settled down on the couch next to him as we played, not hearing my phone go off a million times because I was so focused on kicking deans ass.  "Alright anna, good game time for bed."

"What cmonn" I whined. "Youre just saying that because you dont wanna keep loosing" I pouted on the couch.

"No" dean chuckled, getting up to turn the tv off "Im saying that because its almost 10 pm and you have school tomorrow"

"I have an idea." I said in a tone trying to get deans interest "I could skip tommorow and that would give you more time to get better at video games with me" I suggested with a smirk.

"Not a chance, bed. now." dean said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fineeee" I sighed throwing my hands up in surrender. I grabbed my phone off from the coffee table and headed upstairs after saying goodnight to my brothers. Holy shit I had like 30 texts from Jay. Babe I miss you, baby can i come over, lets talk, youre so pretty.  I rolled my eyes. I was starting to get a bit creeped out by his clingyness. I liked him I just needed space.

Jay look, We can talk but I need you to really listen. Something about that party really bothered me and I want us to be able to get past it.

I hit send taking  a deep breath. My phone lit up in seconds:

ok awesome, Im coming over

I panicked for a second

What no my brothers will kill me

What those douches? They wont know ill sneak in dont worry

Jay responded but It wasnt so reassuring. I just didnt have the heart to say no

Okay fine

I got up and started tiptoeing around the house, Sam and dean had turned off all of the lights and were both going to bed. Okay perfect maybe I could pull this off. I just didn't want to run into another incident like last time when sam came home to Jay... I cringed at the thought of it. Around 20 minutes later I heard a sound at my window cutting through the quiet stillness of the night. Jay was standing out there looking like a sad puppy on the other side of the glass. I opened it up and let him in. Signaling with my mouth to stay quiet.

"Babe look, whatever it is im sorry that you feel that way" He lamely apologized.

"its just that" I started to explain, trying not to start crying looking at him. I didn't understand what I was feeling, but I didn't know how to even begin to get into it with him. "im confused, and this is hard. I also feel like if i tell you and get all emotional you wont care" I said sadly

"Anna I love you," he cut me off. "Let me show you how much I care" He whispered again, putting his arm around my chest and pulling me closer with us both sitting on my bed together. He started kissing me. I gave into him and kissed him back intensely. In my head I was just thinking that this Isn't what I wanted, I really wanted to talk to him. But my brain had shut off when I heard him say I love you. We stayed there kissing in the darkness Im not going to lie it felt amazing, my heart was racing again but in a good way. He started to take his shirt off and clim on top of me. Our eyes locked in the darkness.

"Jay wait-" I started hesitantly. pulling slightly away.

"I love you" He whispered in my ear, this time it felt different. I pushed him off of me in one motion. he looked at me stunned. Most people my size wouldnt be able to push him around that easily but my dad had me combat training like a soldier as a little kid. I could kick his ass in a hearbeat if i wanted to.

"I said stop!" I yelled again in a louder tone looking at him with tears in my eyes.

"Cmon baby" He said, also loudly.

"I dont wanna do that I just wanted to talk" I explained, starting to cry.

"Ugh cmon anna your being impossible." He said throwing his hands up in the air

By then we were full on arguing, and neither of us realized how loud we were both being.

Untill my door swung wide open, letting all the light in from the hallway revealing a terrified worried sam and dean. And their faces slowly contorted from fear to anger as they took in the scene before them.

Changes (SPN spank-fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ