New beginnings Part 6

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Ill be honest, I was super nervous to start school. It was my freshman year of high school and I barely even went to middle school before. I knew i was smart but I felt like I was just going to be so behind. Ugh whatever, schoolwork isnt the most important thing and Im sure I could make a few friends that would also not really care about grades and stuff.  All of the sudden, I was rudely interruped from my little overthinking session with a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said turning my phone face down on my desk, I wasn't hiding anything but I knew neither of them would appreciate me on my phone if they were talking to me. And besides, I had to earn as many points with them as I could before school.

"Hey anna, " sam rested is arm on the outside of my doorframe and leaned in. "You all set to start school tomorrow?" He asked me. 

I let out a half smile and then looked nervously at the ground. "I dunno..." I mumbled "I'm excited to  make friends, I have a pretty easy time at that. Less so for the school part"

Sam took another step in, "And whys that?" Sam questioned me.

Truthfully, I didn't want to talk about it at all school was fun for the trouble part but I wasn't a big fan of the whole schoolwork part. But with a cop brother and a lawyer brother I had a feeling this was a discussion I would have to have more than once."What if i'm not smart enough to do the work" I said shyly.

I watched as his shoes appeared in my vision, and he crouched down while cupping my chin, forcing us to make eye contact. I blushed. "I know you are, your my little sister and you can do anything you put your mind to. And if there happens to be anything your struggling with, come to us and we can get you a tutor for some extra help."

"Ugh no, a tutor, thats so embarrassing." I rolled my eyes at him and was met with a deep scowl.

"Its not Anna." Sam said sternly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Im not asking for straight As here either, just that you try your best at everything you do. If you try your best, which includes knowing when to ask for help and coming to us or your teachers, Ill always be proud of you."

"okay i guess whatever" I grumbled again.

"Drop the attitude, Im trying to be very patient with you Anna" Sam set me a harsh glare.

"Youre right, Im sorry, Im just stressed" I mumbled in a less rebellious tone.

"I hear you, everything is going to be fine though." Sam started walking out of my room "C'mon, dinner is here."

I followed sam out and downstairs to the dining room. Like I said I really just wanted to eat in peace and ignore this whole school thing for alone for as long as I could. But ugh of course dean had other plans for my peacefull evening.

"So Anna, are you excited for school tomorrow?" The second I heard those words fall out of his mouth I let out an audible groan.

"Ugh why does everyone have to ask me that." I sighed. Dean seemed a bit stunned by my sudden outburst and merely raised an eyebrow.

"Watch your attitude anna. Im not going to ask again" Sam said

"I told you, IM. STRESSED. Get off my back" I glared at sam now with such an annoyed look.

That move didn't work out in my favor. Dean went from shocked to pissed pretty quickly and stood up. "Listen to me Anna, If your brother tells you to watch your attitude you drop it and do not let him repeat himself. And Im sorry your stressed but you have no right to take it out on us." With one last warning glare he gestured to his belt and said "last warning to change the attitude before I do it for you"

I gulped with that warning and mumbled a yes sir before apologizing to sam. The rest of the dinner went by much better but there was still obvious tension throughout the air. That night I tossed around in bed for what felt like hours. Unfortuneatly that just meant that the next morning was awful, I fell back asleep like three times while getting ready, got into another fight with Dean, and almost missed the bus. 

We pulled up to a big building, with lots of kids hanging out out in front talking, reading, etc. I felt that rush of anxiety one more time and started walking around, weaving my way around looking for where my first class should be. All of the sudden I heard a bell ring, SHIT, I was trying to start this year off on a good enough foot to not get another spanking but fuck it, might as well skip at this point. I was looking around for the best way out when this totally hot guy at the end of the hall approached me. He was well built, wearing a dark grey t shirt and jeans, with his hands tucked into his pocket.

"Got somewhere your supposed to be?" The taller boy said to me and I blushed. He approached me and took a look at my schedule "Geometry with Mr. Jacobson first period, no way me too!" That was awesome, me and this mystery  boy already have a class together, sweet!

"So uh- do you know where it is should we like.. get going?" I stammered nervously, dammit usually I was super chill but this guy is giving me sooo many butterflies.

"Oh uh," He looked dissapointed "we dont have to show up on time, besides who wants to do math so early in the morning. Unless uh- your one of those good kids, whatever i get it." That last sentence made my blood boil. Fuck my brothers and their punishments, I could do whatever I want and there was no way Id let them turn me into one of  "the good kids".

"Hell no!" I yelled in a dramatic annoyed tone, playfully hitting him on the arm.

"Alright Alright I get it youre cool" He chuckled, "Im Jay" Jay smiled at me showing off his perfect teeth and eyes.

"Anna" I stated, smiling back.

We stayed like that, up against the lockers talking about ourselves for what felt like hours. He was perfect wow. Time had slowed down all around us as he told me his life story, each word seeming more magical than the one before. Suddenly the sound of a bell jerked me out of my thoughts. SHIT SHIT SHIT theres no way I missed my first class

"Chill out anna" Jay said. Oh fuck did i say that out loud, that is sooo embarassing. "Jacobson is chill, we'll be fine its just the first day." Jay glanced down at my schedule again. "However, Mrs hunt you will need to watch out for. Even if it is pretty funny to watch her get all angry." He held out his hand and grabbed mine, interlocking our fingers. "Cmon ill walk you to her class"

I blushed again, high school was already seeming so magical I never wanted to leave.

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