Halloween: the scheme (part 14)

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Halloween was just around the corner. It had always been one of my favorite holidays growing up. Mostly because dad always had a job and I was left alone to go to some sick parties. This year was going to be a little different, but hell if I'm giving up something as amazing as a Halloween party. The first thing I did was rally up my friends at lunch and try to come up with a plan.

"Okay guys Halloween is only three days away! What's the plan? We need to do something awesome" I squealed in excitement.

"I'm throwing a party at my cousins house, it's gonna be great, I just need everyone's help getting drinks and spreading the word and stuff" Katie chimed In and everyone's heads perked up. "They live in this giant house and have a hot tub and stuff. They promised me I could use it to have some people over while they're away"

"Okay great, I'll send out invites to everyone" said Connor, earning him a small shove from Ava.

"Dude no, we should keep it small ish. I don't wanna risk some snitches calling it in to the cops or something"

"Good point. Dean would probably arrest my ass in front of everyone..." I trailed off

"OMG i forgot deans a cop, honestly it would be kind of hot-" Ava started, but I quickly shut that thought down.

"Also they have a crazy nice bar in their basement with all sorts of alcohol"Katie practically bragged. I smirked already excited to invite my amazing boyfriend. Katie rolled her eyes, but that was the best option we had. We spent the rest of lunch talking about making a playlist and figuring out costumes. Now the only problem...
Figuring out how to get there. There was the first option to just not say anything and go, that's what I used to do with dad. I could ask, be told no, and sneak out anyway but I feel like they would catch onto that. Ava suggested we could say we are sleeping over at each other's houses, that could actually work omg!

After school Ava went home with me to work on our math homework (but mostly just gossip). I also knew Dean wasn't working today so he would meet her and be more likely to okay the sleepover plan.
"Girl, I know you think my brother is hot and everything but pleaseeee just act normal, he needs to say yes to our sleepover."

"Got it," she laughed, "parents love me" she paused for a second "sorry I-"

"No donot worry, they act the same even if they're my brothers. And that's a good thing, I'm just good at getting peoples parents to hate me haha" I laughed along trying to lighten the mood a bit more. We walked up the steps together to my house. As I entered I heard deans footsteps coming down the hall.

"Anna! How was sch-" he hesitated, glancing at Ava and back at me. "You didn't tell me you invited someone over?" He asked in a tone that was welcoming yet somehow still slightly cold.

"Dean, this is Ava from school" I introduced them to each other and saw Ava trying not to giggle staring at Dean. He reached out and shook her hand while throwing me a questioning glance.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up, we got a ton of math homework earlier today and just wanted to get a head start on it together" I explained. His look thankfully softened.

"It's all good anna, good to see your actually getting your homework done." He laughed.

When Ava and I got to my room we took out our school work, and then immediately started talking about boys. "Okay but in reality, how the hell did you land a boyfriend your first day at a new school?? Teach me your ways"

"Honestly it just kinda happened, jay is just... special" i blushed thinking back to that day we met.

"Why couldn't it be anyone but him, he's literally 18... be careful girl" she rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh please, say the one who's obsessed with my older brother" i mocked her jokingly.

"I'm not obsessed...anyway let's focus" we both laughed and then did our best to actually do homework together. About an hour or two later we made a surprisingly good dent in our math homework. At least Sam would be impressed by it.

"Shit my moms here to pick me up, I gotta run" Ava said while packing her bags back up.

"Alright cool, I'll ask about the sleepover" I followed her out into the hall and waved as she got into her moms car. Instantly turning my attention to both Sam and Dean, this had to go well.

"Sammyyyy, deeeean, can I ask you guys something" I said putting on my best good girl behavior.

"Sure whats up" Sam walked over to the couch where Dean and I were standing.

"Well, Halloween is coming up and I've been making friends at school and stuff" I began to overexplain. "And you guys said all summer you wanted me to make friends when school started and-"

"Get to the point." Dean raised his hand cutting me off.

"Can I sleepover at Ava's this Friday for Halloween?" I pleaded. I carefully watched their facial expressions as I waited for a response.

"Well, she seemed like a good kid. Tell me, what would you be doing at this sleepover?" Dean questioned?

"Pass out some candy, watch Halloween movies, and like sleepover girl stuff" I made sure to throw in the phrase girl stuff to keep the questions to a minimum, it was almost funny how little either of them knew about 14 year old girls.

"If it's okay with Dean it's okay with me. Plus he's on the Night Shift, the house alone with Jessica sounds great to Me" Sam smiled to himself.

"Gross sam" dean and I whine in unison.

"Alright sure-" he started but I cut him off with a big hug.

"Yesss! Thanks dean" i squealed

"As long as her parents will be there. but text us every once in a while to check in and don't go anywhere but her house. I'll drop you off and pick you up after work" dean

"Okay okay I got it" I whined. Dean and his damn rules, but whatever at least I had my way out to this party.

The next day at school I could barely focus. I kept overhearing everyone else being excited to go to this party too. This was going to be the biggest party of the school! I sat down in first period as my usual seat next to jay. I made sure to fill him in on the plan and have him pick us up from Ava's at 9. Walking down the halls again I could swear this was all anyone was talking about. Hopefully we have enough booze.

Authors note: cliffhanger oooo. Thank you all so much for your support! It motivates me to keep writing like I do. Maybe I'll even drop the second part tonight.

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