The sleepover

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Ava, Emily and I have been planning the best sleepover ever for this weekend. It wasn't going to be a crazy party or anything, just us girls at Ava's house and maybe a bottle of wine swiped from her parents. I mean who knows where the night will take us. Thankfully like I said it was just us girls, nothing crazy which is how I knew my brothers would let me go. I didn't even bother asking wayyy ahead of time. I approached Dean the day before, once he got home from work.

He was taking off his bulky duty uniform as I came bounding down the stairs with a huge grin.

"Woah slow down there kiddo, you're gonna get hurt." He said harshly. I frowned but toned my pace down slightly as I made my way to him. "How was school anna, what's got you all excited?"

"It was good," I said shrugging, watching Dean unlace his boots. I knew that was all the detail he needed, Sam on the other hand has a million questions about my classes. "Anyway can I go to a sleepover at Ava's tommorow night. It's super lowkey, just us and Em, I promise her parents are home." I rambled a few quick reasons he should let me go. He raised a brow and looked at me confused. I made the same expression back to him unsure as to why I got this reaction.

He chuckled slightly "what on earth makes you think I'd let you do that after last time?" He crossed his arms firmly over his chest and looked at me expectantly.

"We aren't going anywhere this time though. I swear we're going to stay at her house all night!" I argued, it was ridiculous that he was still holding Halloween against me, that was like 3 weeks ago now.

"I see. And I should just believe you this time after you lied to me so blatantly before?" He said sternly. My eyes hit the floor, it hurt hearing Dean say he still didn't trust me. But I swallowed my emotions and stared right at him again with fire in my eyes.

"Your overreacting! And you said you forgave me for that!" I yelled.

"I'm not overreacting, and I did forgive you" he said in calm tone of voice. I was surprised he hadn't lost his temper. Usually when I do we both do and then it's a screaming match. Sam always says we are both hot heads who only fire each other up.

"Then why the hell wont you let me go!" I yelled at him again. I was getting seriously pissed off. This wasn't fair.

Dean took a threatening step towards me, and it took everything inside of me to hold my ground. "Do not speak to me that way" he said darkly. "I do forgive you. However I absolutely do not trust you to be where you say you'll be. I don't think you realize how dangerous it is for you to lie about where you are at night. What if there's an emergency and I cant find you?" Dean glared at me again, but with more worry than anger.

"I'm not lying this time Dean, I promise" I said in a more quiet tone.

"The answer is no. And that's final anna." He said in a steely tone. I was getting ready to fight it again when he spoke up before I could. "However-" my eyes lit up in curiosity. "I do think your telling me the truth anna. I'm working overnight patrol tommorow night but Sam will be here. I see no reason you wouldn't be able to have them over here."  Dean attempted to compromise. I wasn't going to budge from my position. But he may have just opened up a window of opportunity for me.

"Deal!" I nodded happily, giving Dean a hug and thanking him.

"It's only fair anna, just make sure to double check with Sam when he gets home from work." Dean smiled. I agreed and ran off to text my girls.

It's confirmed, I'll b there tmrw night.

Cheers of excitement made its way through our group chat as I finished mentally planning how I was going to pull this off. I wanted to avoid them the rest of the night. Getting caught in a room with both of them may bring up the sleepover and ruin my plan. All I had to do was wait until tommorow after Dean left for his shift, and then tell Sam he was supposed to give me a ride to Ava's for a sleepover and Dean had already agreed. Sam wasn't nearly as much of a hardass as Dean was with getting to do normal fun stuff like this, he had no reason to say no.

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