New beginnings

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Its been a few weeks since Anna and Dean moved into a new house with Sam. Dean got a job with the local police and sam was a successful lawyer.

Annas Pov:

Wow, I couldn't believe the house that Sam lived in, it was huge. When I first got here they gave me a tour of the place and showed me my bedroom. I was so excited to have my own room but even more excited to be able to decorate it and everything.

"Anna come downstairs please" I heard dean call from the kitchen. I walked down the fancy staircase and sat on the couch in the living room. Glancing at Sam and Dean I noticed they had more serious expressions than when we first met. I raised one eyebrow and looked at them suspiciously.

"Anna, I just want to say how happy we are to have you in our lives now. This has already been one of the best summers I think we've all had in our lives and its thanks to you" Dean started, Sam put his arm around me and we both smiled. "On the other hand the school year is also about to start and I want to get a few things clearly communicated to you. I know youve been used to being on your own and doing whatever you want but thats going to change. We are doing our best to be a family here and now there's going to be expectations, rules, and consequences if those rules aren't followed." I looked around nervously at that part. I loved them and I loved being here, but I really didnt want two people trying to control my entire life.

"That being said" Sam continued "I know this is relatively new to you, I'm not sure how wild you were before and quite frankly Im not sure if I wanna know." I giggled a little when he said that, thinking back to some little adventures ive been on earlier this summer. Dean met me with a cold stern look.

"Its not anything unreasonable, we just want you to grow into the resposible young lady we know you can be. And teenagers especially need a bit more guidance to get there." Dean started listing off some of his rules. "First of all, we expect you to treat us and all other authority figures with respect, including teachers, law enforcement, and whoever else you may meet."

"Dad didn't even make me go to school now i gotta do that and behave?" I questioned back, looking dean right in the eyes. Big Mistake. He took a step closer to me and glared at me, he was completely towering over me and I will say i felt a little intimidated by him right now. "Yes Anna. You need to get an education, and when school starts do not let me hear that you start getting in trouble there because so help me god I will not hesitate to punish you."  I quickly stared at my shoes, hoping he would chill out and get the rest of the rules over with.

Thankfully Sam stepped in again to ease the tension. "On top of that please please dont ever lie to us" He said "I know weve just gotten to know you and trust does take a while to fully grow. But be honest with us and we will be honest with you, no matter the circumstance it will go a long way." I honestly appreciated hearing that, It felt comforting to know they really wanted to get to know me and bond with me, instead of just being stuck with me when dad died.

"We dont expect you to get perfect grades, and thats fine, just make schoolwork a priority, and try your best in every class. If your having trouble in any subject come to us ahead of time, we will work out a way to help you succeed." I smiled again, i knew rules were going to be hard and something tells me most of them wouldnt be followed... but it warmed my heart hearing about how they really cared about me. "Lasty, dont do anything illegal or unsafe, we could be here all day talking about what that entails, but seriously absolutely no smoking, drinking, graffiti, stealing. Any of that sort of stuff is going to get you in a lot of trouble" He glared at me. "That shit seriously wont fly with us, not anymore"

I giggled again "Are you sure? Sounds like a normal friday night to me" I half joked, but felt a pang of guilt once I saw sam and deans sad and concerned reactions. "Im sorry I-" I started to apologize but was cut off. 

"No. We are sorry Anna. You shouldnt have had to live like that. We should have found you sooner. The past is the past and we can't change it, I know it may have seemed fun but I swear that kind of "fun" never ends well" Sam embraced me in a hug and a tear started to form in the corner of my eye. They werent exactly wrong, but I also knew old habits would die hard too.

"Ahem" Dean chuckled "When you too cuddle buddies are done we have a gift for you Anna." I turned around and saw a big white gift bag, I took it with a huge smile on my face. Inside was a new Iphone 14.

"Thanks guys this is awesome!! I really love it" I squealed in excitement.

"Theres one more thing" Sam handed me a small black box, inside was a beautiful gold bracelet, with three hearts in the center, and a W for winchester engraved by the clasp. I started tearing up again, this was one of the best gifts ive gotten in my life. "Now Anna, Do you want to come with us to get lunch, and then maybe we could do some shopping for your bedroom and school?"

I nodded happily and we headed out the door, and into Deans car.

When we got to the store I started picking out tons of decorations, a purple bedspread, cute pillows, a mirror, fairy lights, and a cute rug. The three of us were walking around talking about everything and laughing. I looked back into the cart and already saw tons of stuff. I felt really guilty, I mean they cant really buy all of this for me, thats crazy.

"Whats wrong Anna?" Dean questioned.

"I mean are  you sure your okay with getting all of this, I dont want you to waste your money guys. This is alot of stuff." I looked down shyly.

"Its not a waste of money. Its for you, we want to do all of this for you. You deserve it" Sam said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay" I sighed and we went to look at school supplies. I picked out a cute backpack, some notebooks, and pens. I was so excited to get all of this stuff set up I couldn't wait to get home. Out of the corner of my eye I saw airpods, I was about to stop Sam and Dean real quick to ask them If I could buy them, then I saw the price tag.  Without a second thought I trailed behind Sam for one second, and swiftly put the box in my pocket. This way they wouldnt have to pay any more money and I could also get something else I wanted without having to ask. It seemed like a perfect plan in my head and by the time we approached the checkout counter I had stopped worrying about it entirely. 

It was only a few steps later everything went wrong. We had just wrapped up and were headed out the door when the alarm went off. Sam and Dean looked confused. "these things are probably always broken" dean stated as another casheir came over to compare our receipt to the cart.

"Thats weird, im not sure why its going off, everything seems to be good here" The cashier stated.

"How funny, well have a great day." I said quickly and started ushering sam and dean out of the door. They didn't fall for it for one second. Dean roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back inside the store.

"Anna" He warned in stern cold tone "Is there something your not telling us?"

I gulped.

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