No means no

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My mouth fell open in shock. I was so dead. Time felt frozen as Dean and I stood there staring at each other. He had a strange expression on, he was pissed and I could tell. But he didn't want to show it here. I was basically cowering in my shoes at the sight of him until I remembered we had an audience and tried to act natural. I mumbled a goodbye to my friends and slowly followed him out the door. He hadn't said a word until Ava's front door shut behind us.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do Anna." He said harshly.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled shyly.

"I'm honestly pretty doubtful of that Anna." Deans voice was riddled with disappointment. "Tell me exactly how you convinced Sam to take you here" he demanded, turning the key to the impala, a low rumble from the engine filled my awkward silence.

"I... said you said yes" I barely even whispered gazing out the window.

"Speak up Anna." He ordered firmly.

"I told him you said I could go" I confessed, sneaking a glance over at Dean while he drove.

"Lying to me is one thing Anna. But telling a lie ABOUT ME. And pitting Sam and I against each other. Honestly anna... I just hope your fun was worth it." He said dryly dropping his tone threateningly at the last sentence.

"I nev-"
I was cut off by Dean holding his hand in the air.

"I suggest you don't say another word till we get home. Where your next words are nothing but an apology to your brother for lying to him and straight up manipulating him. Then you'll go straight to your room until we are ready to talk. Is that clear?"  His suggestion was much more of an order but I knew better than to bitch at him right now. I just nodded my head not even wanting to risk giving a verbal answer.

I did exactly as Dean said the minute his car pulled into our driveway. I felt guilty as soon as I saw Sam. I apologized to him but I could tell he was really hurt. I tried repeating myself, this time with tears creeping into the corners of my eyes.

"I know Anna, but sorry won't Alwyas fix things" he sighed. I nodded my head  in understanding and walked up to my bedroom. I really didn't mean to hurt Sam at all in this. I sat down on my bed feeling sorry for myself. I didn't care about the rest of it, I'll take deans stupid spanking for being disobedient I just hated that I hurt him.
After what felt like ages my older brothers knocked on my bedroom door, freeing me from my overthinking.

"Here's what's going to happen." Dean started his explanation with his arms folded over his chest. "Typically Sam and I like to be on the same page y'know. We approach a situation together, as family, and then figure out how to solve it." I glanced over at Sam he was nodding in agreement with deans speech. "However since you decided to go against that and divide the two of us by playing us against each other, you will be receiving two separate punishments."

Wait what?

"Cmon please, I said I was sorry" I pleaded shyly, the tension in the room was high and I nervously fidgeted with my bracelet, not wanting to face my brothers.

"If you really were sorry you'd see how this is a very fitting punishment for what you did." Sam stated coldly. My fate was sealed, if I couldn't even talk my way out of it with Sam there was no way to avoid my impending doom. "Send her to my room once your done." He told Dean, and left again without looking at me.

With Sam gone I tried to swallow my emotions towards him. It was just Dean and I here right now. And I was angry at him. "This is your fault you know." I grumbled trying to make myself sound annoyed and uninterested.

"Excuse me?" He questioned darkly taking another step closer to where I was standing.

"If you had just let me go in the first place I wouldn't have had to lie to Sam about it!" I raised my voice getting frustrated.

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