Cheaters never win

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"Remind me how you were able to rope me into this again?" I playfully turned to my best friend while chugging water. Ava had convinced me to tryout for the basketball team this winter. I had never really been a huge team sports person, but Ava made it sound fun so I signed up. We had been practicing with Connor after school for the past week or so leading up to these tryouts. I don't mean to brag but turns out I'm pretty fuckin good. 

Ava giggled in response "Don't act like your not having fun" Okay okay maybe she was right. I turned back to the court, time to focus. I only had one more hour of tryouts and I had to nail it. We finished up a few more shooting drills and then moved onto some footwork and agility. I had one of the best times out of all of the girls in sprints. I sooo got this in the bag. By the time tryouts were over ava and I were exhausted and anxious. We weren't going to find out teams until this weekend, so all we could do now is hope. Avas mom was waiting outside of the school to pick us up from practice.

"Hey girls! How did it go" She greeted us with a warm smile.

"Pretty good I think" Ava replied, still panting.

When I got dropped off at home I barely said hello to my brothers before crashing onto my bed. I was exhausted, we practiced so much all week. Not to mention tryouts were directly after school which was just as tiring. I fell asleep almost instantly. I'm not sure how long I was out but sometime around 7 I was woken up with dean calling me downstairs to dinner. I rolled out of bed realizing I was still in my gross sweaty gym clothes, I quickly changed into pajamas and went downstairs to eat.

"good morning sunshine!" sam chuckled sarcastically, looking at my messy hair and choice of clothing. I rolled my eyes as I sat down with them.

"I take it tryouts were tough?" Dean questioned me. I tiredly nodded in response. We began to eat while having casual conversations about basketball and their boring adult stuff. Im sure I complained like 10 times about how badly I wanted the team lists to come out.

"Anna we are both so happy that you wanted to join a sport, I think it will be a great opportunity for you" Sam started explaining. "However, school still needs to be your top priority. You better stay on top of your grades, did you even get any homework done today?" 

"I know I know" I sighed, not interested in his lecuture right now. Truth is, I was putting so much time into basketball these days that I knew damn well I was getting behind in my classes. But i had to ignore it to focus on tryouts, Sam bringing it up just reminded me of all of the stress I had been forcing myself to avoid. Sam raised an eyebrow at me when he noticed I was lost in thought after his question. Time to come up with something good, "I didn't but i planned ahead cause I knew I would be busy today" I lied smoothly. I guess technically I didn't lie, I knew I would be busy, and planning ahead doesn't necessarily mean following through with those plans.

"Glad to hear that Anna, and how about that math test you have tommorow? Did you study enough?" He kept up the interrogation. Wait a sec... what math test? I quickly combed through my memory until it hit me. This test was a huge part of my final grade for this semester. OH CRAP. I hadn't studied at all for it and if im being honest I wasn't entirely sure what it was gonna be on.

"Im as ready as ill ever be" I said trying to turn my attention back to dinner. Again, not technically a lie. Again they seemed satisfied and I smoothly turned the conversation back to something else until dinner was over. I even made a mental note to remember to review some of my math notes before going to bed. Unfortunately when i opened up my laptop Netflix seemed to catch  my eye way more than math...

I glanced at the clock in the corner of my laptop after one more episode of the vampire diaries ended. CRAP it was 2 in the morning. I guess taking a nap after tryouts threw off my sleep schedule. I let out a frustrated sigh and slammed my laptop shut, determined to get a little bit of sleep before school tomorrow.

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