Girls day

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Jay was standing there shirtless, i was curled up sitting there on top of the soft blankets on my bed. Dean looked about ready to murder someone. And Sam seemed stunned. Time felt frozen untill jay was finally ready to make the first move, he grabbed his shirt and shoes, and headed straight for the window.

"Stop" Dean yelled. He kept going, starting to open the window. "Do you want to be arrested for breaking and entering?" Dean questioned, crossing his arms and towering over jay. "Nobody's going anywhere untill someone tells me what the hell is going on." I finally spoke up, time to be as honest as possible and hope I don't end up in trouble.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want him to come over. I swear I tried to stop him, we were fighting." I explained.

"Is that true anna" Sam stepped in finally with a soft tone of voice.

"Yeah, if I wanted him here would I be crying because boys just suck!" I yelled bursting into tears again.

"Attidute Anna" he reminded me sternly before coming over and giving me a hug. I watched as Dean grabbed jay by the bicep.

"Get the hell out of my house, I don't know what you did but If I find out your gonna wish you never showed up" Dean growled, staring at jay.
For the first time since I've known him he actually seemed quite intimidated, honeslty it was pretty funny. Jay scrambled out of the window again before even putting shoes on. "If I see you hear again your going to be arrested for trespassing" Dean threatened again.

After jay disappeared into the darkness Dean turned towards me. Sam was holding me tightly as I tried to slow my breathing down.

"Relax, you're not in trouble. But start taking" Dean said sitting down next to us, I was crying so hard I could barely form a sentence. I didn't know what to do as I felt sams hand slowly run through my hair comforting me. I handed Dean my phone so he could read the messages between us.

"So this is the boyfriend." Dean said disappointedly.

"Ex" was all I managed to say

"Your not in trouble you didn't know any better. And I'm proud of you for trying to stand up for yourself. But you cant always handle stuff like this on your own, clearly" Dean lectured.

"I'm sorry, I just ugh I don't know how to talk to you guys about this kind of thing."

"Clearly you had been having problems with him for a while" Sam sighed while scrolling through the texts. "I think I know what may make you feel better" Sam explained.

"Really?" I questioned, i doubted anything could make me feel better right now. I just lost the love of my life and was totally embarrassed in front of my brothers.

"How about Jess picks you up from school tommorow, maybe you could use some good girl time with someone who gets all of this from your perspective" same suggested and my face lit up.

"I'd like that" I nodded with a sniffle.

"I could also cheer you up" Dean spoke up. "Let me shoot that goddamn douchebag" he suggested as we all burst out laughing. "Hey I got you to smile at least"

"Alright anna, are you good to go to bed?" Sam asked again while tucking me in. I nodded.

"Goodnight love you" they both said.

"Goodnight" I responded as they shut the door behind

The next day at school I was nervous to go to first period, I didn't wanna see Jay. I pulled out my phone to text Sam as I wandered aimlessly throughout the halls.
Is there like anyway I could just skip school and have Jess pick me up now???

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