Chapter 34

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It was Monday morning, but Sanem wasn't ready to get back to work yet,
SANEM: "Aziz bey, do you mind if I take a couple of days off? I just need some time to myself."
AZIZ: "of course not daughter( she loves when he calls her daughter) take all the time you need." "Sanem, I want you to know, that we are family, anything you need we're here for you. And I know Can, feels the same, don't let anyone put doubt in your beautiful head."
SANEM: "Thank you Aziz bey, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you've done for me. You saved me, I don't know how I will repay you back?
AZIZ: "my dear, don't even talk about payback, you brought joy into our home, we missed you the last couple of days? I'm hoping you will return soon."
SANEM: "thank you, I will see you soon." They hung up and Sanem decided to clean up. Leyla was getting ready for work. She gets a text from Can, and she smiles.
CAN: "Good morning my love.. how are you today?"
SANEM : I'm ok. Alittle better than yesterday. We will talk within the next couple of days. Give me some time."
CAN: "ok, if you need anything please call me, I miss you."
SANEM: "I will thank you!" She's still not ready to be personal with him. She knows that she loves him but is scared. I have to tell him how I feel, everything. But I don't know if I can go back to the way we were.
Can was happy at least they were communicating, it's good that she took some days off. Hopefully she will feel better to talk soon.
Everybody at the office was wondering were Sanem was. Emre, just told them that she was feeling under the weather and she will be back soon. Especially CeCe, he looks like a sad puppy without her. Those two are two peas in a pod.
Can saw, that idiot as he calls him! Yigit came up looking for Sanem.
YIGIT: "Can, have you seen Sanem, I've been trying to call her, she's not answering"
CAN: "she doesn't feel good she'll be out for a couple of days."
YIGIT: "Oh really, ( sarcastically). It wouldn't have to do with what was on the internet between you in my sister. You know Can it not nice to cheat on your girlfriend!"
Aziz, Emre and Leyla heard everything. And everyone else. Can turned around and looked at him, came up to his face and looked straight into his eyes with his hands making a fist at his sides. Emre came and stood on one side and Aziz on the other side of Can.
CAN: YIGIT if I were you I would watch what I say,( clenching his words through his teeth) because it might not end well for you. Isn't it something that the paparazzi was there to take pictures and no friend never showed up, I'm sure you know the story, because you and your sister are working together. I know you want Sanem.
Don't think that you can fool me , because I see right through you, and as for Sanem, she's of limits to you, if she decides to publish her book through you that's up to her. But remember this, Sanem might be pure at heart, but she's a very intelligent woman!! And if she has any doubt about you, she will let you know. Now go back to your office, nobody wants you here."
YIGIT: "nice speech Can, let's let Sanem decide!"
Emre is thinking, this guy is really pushing Cans buttons, and he's not even backing down. And my brother can be very intimidating. I've seen it first hand. This YIGIT is trouble, I hope Sanem sees it."
CAN: "I have no doubt that she will make the right decision.! Now leave.!" And he did.
Leyla called Sanem and told her what happened, Sanem was upset, "how is Can?" " He's ok, but Sanem I don't know how he controlled himself and didn't hit him. I'm telling you this YIGIT is the man version of Polen." " I agree Leyla, we will see how he acts when I get back. He creeps me out alittle." "I can tell you this Sanem, Can is very protective of you, you have your own personal body guard." ( And what a body guard he his, girl! , tall, dark and handsome, man and his body those muscles don't you just want him to wrap those strong arms around you?) Sanem has a huge smile thinking of can coming out of the pool with no shirt on an his albatross tattoo, sooo hot!!(girl your daydreaming about your hunk of a man). Shush, you're supposed to be on my side. Your not my voice of reason anymore when it comes to Can. Now get out my head.!!) Sanem sat back and kept thinking about Can, I can't even stay mad at him. But I have to try to teach him a lesson. Plus I have to be able to trust him.
Can went in his office put his head down, and tried to suppress his anger. Aziz and Emre came in to see how he is.
AZIZ: "Can how are you?" CAN: "I'm ok dad, that guy is asking for it, he is after Sanem, you can see it."
EMRE: "I'm proud of you brother, you didn't hit him!"
CAN: "man you don't know how hard it was not to hit him, all I can hear is Sanem's voice saying, Can step back, control yourself, boy she really does have me hooked. Before I wouldn't have even thought twice, I would have decked him and walked away and not given it a second thought, Who am I ?"
They all laughed, thinking the same thing. can has changed and for the better!

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