Chapter 27

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Ahmet ( Sanem' stepfather) was in abandoned train station, laying on the ground beaten badly , because he hadn't delivered Sanem yet to there boss.
2 hour earlier
"We're is she Ahmet!! Our boss is getting very impatient." 
"I'm very close in finding her, (he's very scared, he knows what will happen to him if he doesn't deliver Sanem.)tell him he will have her soon.  I promise.!"
" tell your boss, sometimes the good things take time to come, he won't be disappointed when he has his new toy to play with."
" our boss offered you a lot of money, (50,000.00 us cash) and he gave for 5,ooo. To guarantee her delivery. But you failed. So it's time to teach you a lesson "
"No please!!! I promise,  he will have her soon!!Please!!
They start punching and kicking him, till he was passed out.  " stop no more beating, we need him to recover so he can deliver her to the boss.  He wouldn't be happy if we killed him."
Back to present
Laying there on the ground bleeding and whimpering from the pain. (Ahmet is thinking ) I have to find her, they will kill me if I don't.   I need the money.  As soon as I hand her over, I have to leave Instanbul.  Never to be seen again. This guy who wants her must be very powerful. What have I gotten myself self into,  there's no escaping.  Ah Sanem, I will find you!! I promise. Enjoy your freedom for now, it won't be long.  ( and he passes out again)
Tonight was the Compass Sport Launch Party.  Sanem will be presenting the advertisement concept she came up with.
Sanem was in Can's office going over everything with him, making sure everything was perfect.
SANEM: "Can, I'm nervous, I never did anything like this before, speaking in front of all these people "
CAN: Sanem, you will be great, you were made for this, we will all be there, you have all our support.  Look how far you've come in a matter of almost 6 months. You're a natural.
SANEM: thank you Can (looking at him shyly,with a smile) Can, I will meet you at the launch, I'm going with Leyla to pick up our dresses.  I'll get ready at Leyly's. 
CAN:  "ok, don't make me wait too long."he smiles, walks over to her takes her in his arms, and gives her soft kisses all over her face and neck, sniffs her perfume, and says "perfect " "I'll be waiting " she scratches his beard while looking at him. And walks  out to find Leyla.
LEYLA: Sanem, you look stunning, Can won't be able to keep his eyes off of you! (She is wearing a velvet royal blue long gown with a slit up her leg, with rhinestone spaghetti straps, red lipstick red shoes, her hair is half up with some curls around her face and shoulders .)
SANEM: thank you Leyla, you also look beautiful , Emre is going to melt when he sees you!( Leyla has always been stunning, with her bright blue eyes, she's stunning!)(she's wearing a dark green cocktail dress with beading all over.)
LEYLA: "are you ready Sanem, Emre and Can sent the company car to pick up".
SANEM:  "I'm ready, coming!!!"
Can and Emre were already at the launch talking to  Ceyda who had brought a guest with her. Mr McKinnon, he owns a popular makeup company. And he is also a very famous photographer like Can.
Ceyda of course is thinking this a good way of getting closer to Can introducing him to his idol., but Can is so busy with McKinnon, that he hardly notices Ceyda is even there.
Emre nudges can's arm, they turn around and see the two most beautiful women enter the room.(ceyda is not happy, she's jealous of Sanem, she looks too good) Ceyda tries to distract Can, but he ignores her and starts walking over to Sanem.
EMRE: Leyla, you look absolutely beautiful!
LEYLA: shyly looking down. "Thank you Emre"
Can walks over to Sanem looks at her adoringly up and down. Takes both her hands and brings them to his mouth and kisses them.
CAN: "Sanem, you took my breath away, your so beautiful"
SANEM: shyly she says, scratching his beard.  "Thank you Can, you look very very handsome yourself."
They're  both thinking, we don't have to stay the whole night, do we?
CAN: "come let me get you a glass of champagne. But only one" and they both start laughing.
The presentation was a hit, Sanem was wonderful, Can was so proud of her.  He couldn't take his eyes off of her when she was on the stage. 
He took her in is arms and kissed her and said.  "My love you're a natural the presentation was perfect!! SANEM:  "Can, you gave me strength, when I felt weak all I had to do is look at you"(smiling he caresses her cheek.)
Everyone was congratulating her, Leyla, Emre, Aziz, and Mirhiban, and all the employees of the agency. 
Mr McKinnon, came and also congratulated her. And told them, that he also hopes to work with their agency, and hopefully they can come up with a great idea for his company also.
Ceyda of course only grabs Can's arm and congratulates him but not Sanem, 
CAN: "don't congratulate me Ceyda, congratulate Sanem, she's the one that made it happen."
Of course Ceyda just looked at her a nodded walking away. Not that Sanem cared.
SANEM: "Can I'm going to the ladies room be back soon" he smiled and nodded and winked at her.
Ceyda decided to follow Sanem to the ladies room.
CEYDA:  "well, well, the little Mahalle girl, made it to the top.  But you know what they say , you can take the girl out of the Mahalle but you can't take the Mahalle out of the girl."
SANEM:  "Ceyda, did you follow me on purpose, so you can try to intimidate me.  Well guess what it will never happen .! I'm proud of where I came from. I will never hide it!! Unlike you, you're a rich insecure bully.  You think you can do whatever you want because you have money, but remember this, I'm a fighter, where I come from we don't back down, we stick up for each other.
CEYDA:  "Sanem, I only want one thing and that's Can, and I will get him, I always get what I want."
SANEM: "well Ceyda, Can can't be bought, status means nothing to him, neither does money.  I really don't think that he wants to be dating a woman who is 10 years older than him, with a shribbled up ass. Go find someone your own age, All the plastic surgery in the world won't help you.  But remember on thing, I will fight for my man and you will loose.  You just messed with the wrong person.!!"
Can went to look for Sanem. Can walked up to the restroom he heard the conversation between Sanem and Ceyda,. Wow!!  that's my girl, so proud of her. They both turned to look at Can.
CAN: "Sanem is right Ceyda, you don't have a Chance with me at all no matter how much you try.  Now if you want us to continue business together this stops here , or find yourself a new advertising company, and if your father has any questions he can come to me personally." Can grabs Sanems hand, pulls her in his arms and kisses her hard!!
CAN: Bebe, I'm so proud of you, but right now I need to cool off because when you get like that, you make me hot!!"and they walked away. 
Ceyda, walked away with her tail between her legs. Angry!! At Sanem.  But deep down inside, she knew she lost. 

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