Chapter 28

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After the  launch, Can , Sanem, Emre and Leyla, decided to go get something to eat.   They were enjoying their time together.  Watching them from across the way was Huma and Polen,
HUMA: "Polen you need to try to get that girl away from Can,  she's no good for him!"
POLEN; Huma, what are you talking about, Can defends her, there is no way he will listen to me,
HUMA: you need to pretend that you feel bad about what you said about that girl to Can and apologize, and pretend to become friends with him, so he can accept you in his life again. And you slowly move in, you know my son he's a softie. He will believe, you. 
POLEN; I don't know Huma. He will make me apologize to her too and that won't be easy.
HUMA: just do what I tell you he's been with you longer than her,  he will forgive you.
POLEN; I'll try, I do miss him. Everything about him,  those nights we spent together were so passionate.( day dreaming)
HUMA: ok Polen I don't need details. Just do what I told you.
Emre and Leyla left , while Can and Sanem went to sit by water. Sanem layed her head on Can's shoulder, thinking, I can't believe how my life has changed. I'm so happy, with Can , my work, finally my life is falling into place.   But she still has a nagging feeling that something is not right. Her stepfather is constantly in the back of her mind.  
All of a sudden they hear someone behind them, they turn and see Polen standing there.
CAN: what do you want Polen ? Are you following us?
POLEN: no, of course not. I was having dinner with a friend and I saw you across the way. Can, can we talk, please? Can looks at Sanem .
SANEM: go ahead Can I will be here.
Can get up walks a few feet away with Polen.
CAN: ok Polen, what do you want?
POLEN: Can, I just want to apologize about what I said about Sanem, I was angry because I loved you, and I didn't want to lose you.
CAN: Polen, those were very harsh words that you said about her,  they're not easy to forget I never thought that you would treat people the way you did. You remind me of my mother and that's not a good thing.
POLEN: I know Can, and I'm truly sorry I really am.  It was stupid of me to act that way.  Please can we be friends at least, we shared so much together, please, you were always my go to when I had a problem, and you always came to me with your problems especially with your mother. Please Can. 
CAN:  only if you apologize to Sanem and mean it, and if she accepts you apology we can friends, and if she does accept it I will be watching you.  Do I make myself clear?
POLEN: yes , I understand.
Polen and Can walk over to Sanem,.
CAN: Sanem, Polen has something to say to you.
Polen is thinking I can't believe I'm doing this apologizing to this lowlife girl. Anyway here it goes.
Polen: Sanem, I truly want to apologies for the things I said to you, it was in anger, I was hurt, I loved Can, we knew each other for years.  It hurt that he didn't want me anymore. 
SANEM: Polen, I think he was broken up with you before he met me.   I didn't break you up. 
POLEN: I know, but I was still hurt, I thought we would work things out together.  But I was clearly wrong.  I hope you can accept my apology.  Maybe we can be friends.
Sanem, is she kidding me. I don't trust her, she's a fake.  But Can seems to trust her. I'll forgive for Can, but I won't trust her.   I think she has something up her sleeve.
SANEM:  ok Polen, I give people second chances,  I'll give you a chance.   Just don't do anything to make me mad.
POLEN: thank you, both.  I appreciate your forgiveness.  I will see you soon, goodnight. 
Can and Sanem just looked at each other.
CAN: "maybe she's telling the truth.  She wasn't like that before." ( Sanem is thinking, maybe you were blind to it before, like you are now)
SANEM: "Maybe." ( I'll let it go for now , I have a feeling we will hear from her very soon.)
HUMA: "how did it go? "
POLEN: "it went very well, Can has a soft spot for me.  We shared a lot together, and we will again. Sanem, well she's just a naïve, low class gold digger!"
They both laughed, Huma and Polen were very happy.  They started forming there plan, hopefully to make Sanem jealous , and realize that she never belonged to Can.

 When two worlds collide Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin