Chapter 6

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Life can throw you many curve balls, good and bad.   But for me, I got through my worst years by dreaming, that someday something good would come out of the bad, who would of thought that trying to steal clothes and food would lead me to these 3 wonderful men, they saved me, for this I owe them my life.  
My mother would always say, don't stop smiling my precious Sanem, be the person you want to be, things may look dark now, but there's always a bright light and the end of the tunnel and that my child is you.

Oh how I miss my best friend Ahan, I wish I can talk to her.  I'll ask Can or Emre if I can use there phone.   And maybe I can try to find my sister, I miss her so much.  

As I'm Watching the sun go down  and writing in my journal I hear something behind me, clapping and singing, I turn around and see the Divit men holding a cake with candles singing Happy Birthday.  I can't believe how these three men make me feel, like I always belonged here.  With tears running down my cheeks I run to the 3 of them and squeeze them as much I can in a group hug.

Aziz: "ok ok no more tears let's have some cake, chocolate, your favorite.
Sanem:  "you guys are the best, how did you know I like Chocolate?
Can:  "well I have some my chocolate stashed in the cabinet in the kitchen, and it seems alittle mouse has been eating it." Can laughs and winks at Sanem.  
Sanem:  "you know Can bey, you have good taste in chocolate because dark chocolate is also my favorite."
Emrey:  "ok Sanem Time to open your presents "
Can: you didn't think we would have a party with no presents did you?
I couldn't believe they got me presents. The tears just kept coming. " I'm sorry I keep crying but I can't help it no one has never done anything like this for me."
Aziz: " that's ok dear, now stop crying, and open your presents.  "
With a huge smile on my face I start opening.  I can't believe I'm holding a laptop in my hand and a cell phone and empty journals so I can write. 
I look up at the 3 of them with a big smile on my face, and said, "I decided what I am going to do, I'm going to write a book!!! I'm going to go online try to get scholarships, (which I should get because I was the top of my class.) I'm going to take creative writing classes!!!
Yes !! Now is see the bright light at the end of the dark tunnel!!

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