Chapter 11

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Boy when Can Divit says 6 am he means 6 am at the gym. This guy doesn't mess around when working out.
CAN: "ok Sanem, let's do a couple of stretches first"
SANEM: "huh, stretches? What for?"
CAN: "well because you never really worked out before, it will be easier if you loosen up alittle."
SANEM: "ok if you say so."
What the hell, these aren't stretches it's an arobic workout, is freakin crazy!
SANEM: "ok Divit! That's enough! I think you're doing this on purpose! I came here to learn how to protect my self. Not work out!"
CAN: ok, Sanem, whatever you say. ( with a small smile on his face.). " get in the rink and put your gloves on.
SANEM: "huh, what are the gloves for?"
CAN: "well you want to learn how to fight don't you?"
Can watching her emotions play out on her face. I get such a kick out of her when she gets angry, she's so sweet. " ok start trying to hit me."
SANEM; but what happens if I hurt you, I don't want to hurt that pretty face of yours DIVIT!"
CAN: don't worry Ayden, I can take care of myself , I've been through much worse " now let's go start swinging.!!"
Poor Sanem is jumping around swinging all over the place, and Can amused, she's worn out.
CAN: "ok Sanem, relax calm down. You're making yourself tired jumping around and punching air. Come on give me good punch in the gut, . what's the matter poor baby can't handle it. Are you weak! "
SANEM: "I'm scared I don't want to punch you to hard, what happens if I don't know my own strength, and I hurt you, because right now your making me angry with your stupid comments."
CAN: "is that what you will say to your attacker, are you going to be scared to hit him because you don't want to hurt him."
Well that didn't take long to get her going, she started throwing some good punches! But then she really got carried away and wouldn't stop, so I grabbed her and we both fell on the floor. I rolled her over, now I was on top of, we're both are just staring at each other, man she's beautiful. All I want to do is kiss her now. But I don't want to push her.
Wow, he's so handsome. You know I kind of like this position, I feel so fuzzy inside. ("Girl what are you saying, get up what's he going to think of you, you're not like that." I know, I know, I wish you would get out of my head!!"
SANEM: "Can, I think we should get up."
Can start getting up. Thinking, I never felt this before, I love every minute being around her. What's happening to me?
Sanem gets up, and feels a-little overwhelmed, because she liked the position she was in. She warm and safe and her legs are weak. I love the way he feels. ( girl you got it bad) ssshh be quiet.
CAN: Sanem are you ok.
SANEM: yes , yes, I'm ok. ( try to get herself together) ok what's next Divit?"
So Can explained to her for the rest of the week they will be working on different techniques if she is attacked in different scenarios.
CAN: "Sanem can I ask you a question? Why all of a sudden you want to learn self defense?"
SANEM: she hesitates a-little, puts her head down and says " I don't know, I was thinking, what happens if my stepfather comes after me, Ahan told he was furious with me. He was looking for me all over, he told Ahan if she hears from me that she should tell him, and if she doesn't she will be sorry. I mean he won't look for me on this side of Istanbul, but what happens if he does Can, I need to be able to take care of my self." With tears building up in her eyes. Trying to hold them back. But they started coming down her cheeks.
Can sat and listened to her, this was the first time she opened up like that to him, she's really scared, the poor girl is traumatized. Can wiped the tears from her cheeks brought her for a squeeze hug, kissed her on her forehead and said, "I will never let him hurt you Sanem,". I will protect you no matter what!! The bastard won't touch you just let him try." " and I'm sure Emre and my father feel the same way!"
Sanem looked up at Can, and knew right then and there he had her heart. She felt loved and protected for the first time in her life. ( and she was enjoying that hug, who wouldn't)
SANEM: "can you can't be with me 24 /7 , you have a life so does your father and brother. And I can't put you in harm's way. If something happens to one of you I would die."
CAN: "don't worry about me Sanem my dad Emre and I can hold our own, if he comes around you I think he should be scared, he doesn't know what I'm capable of."
" now enough talking about the idiot,  lets get some breakfast!!" You need to get your energy back"

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