Chapter 52

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Sanem and Leyla were very happy having their aunt and uncle back in their lives.
It was Sanem's 18th week of pregnancy, and she was having an ultrasound done today.
SANEM: Can do you want to know the sex of the babies.?"
CAN: I do, so I can start getting the nursery ready.
DOCTOR: okay Sanem, are you ready, here we go.
Everything looks good, the babies are a good length and weight.  Do you want to know what you're having?
Can and Sanem at the same time: Yes!
DOCTOR :  Well. It looked like 2 girls and a boy, the girls will identical.
Can and Sanem, have tears in there eyes, they are so happy.
On the way home Can noticed Sanem in deep thought.
" what are you thinking my princess you look like you're somewhere far away."
SANEM: i'm just thinking, how are we going to do this three babies feeding times diapers nighttime feedings, everything.  I'm just nervous."
Can stops the car. 
CAN: Sanem, everything will be fine. I will help you I will work from home until we're ready for me to go back to work. Your aunt, your uncle, my father Miriban you know they're all gonna help and if we need extra help, we'll get extra help it's gonna be fine , and when the babies are a little bit older and you want to come back to work, we will open up a nursery on the bottom floor, since it's empty and even employees will be able to bring your babies. Actually, I might start working on that now.  
SANEM: Can! That's a great Idea!! This way. We can check on the kids whenever we want, perfect!. Maybe we can do like a first year preschool until they're ready to go to school.
CAN:  your wheels are always turning, my love!!
SANEM:  yes, they are!! I'm so excited. 
When they got home Metin was waiting for them.
METIN:   "Ok Sanem, next week we have , court, are you ready?  I talked to your aunt and uncle. And they will be there also.  I'm bringing up everything Sanem , from your childhood up to now. So be prepared."and also Fabri will be tried differently, I'm gathering some stuff against him my private detective has dug up some stuff, but I have to be 100% sure that it's accurate before I use it. I'll explain when I have everything in detail.
SANEM: "I'm ready, and I've mentally prepared myself." ( I hope)
Can , was concerned, she's to calm.   I hope I'm wrong.
That evening they had dinner with Aziz and Miriban. 
AZIZ : "children, I have an announcement to make Miriban and I are getting married on Friday."
Sanem and Can were so happy for them . 
Miriban then mentioned for Can and Sanem to move into the other house on the property, it's bigger , with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, large living area, large kitchen, and an office and room to add on if they need to.
MIRIBAN:  "I think it's perfect for your family, plus I'm only a couple feet away,  ready to help out with the babies. I'll be here whenever you need me."
AZIZ: "Don't forget me I will help out too!!"
They all laughed, so happy that everyone is willing to help out.

Friday night came Aziz and Miriban were married.
After the ceremony, everyone one out to dinner and dancing, including Mevcabi and Nihat.  And Osman, Ahan and CeCe, Metin, and Deran.
Can and Sanem and Emre and Leyla, were dancing enjoying the evening. When across the way Sanem notices there being watched by Achia.  And she doesn't look happy.  Sanem, kept thinking, that girl doesn't give up.  Is she following us. Maybe it a coincidence.
She ignored her the rest of the night.
Sanem went to the bathroom, and on her way out Achia came in the bathroom and closed the door and locked it. Sanem just looked at her, and said. "May I ask what you're doing?"  "Well Sanem,  I'm telling you again, Can is mine, and you are going to break up with him.  And if you don't you will be sorry."
SANEM:  "and what are you going to do? Beat me up shoot me what are you gonna do?  what don't you get Achia, why do you push yourself on a man that doesn't want you , actually it's disgusting and it makes you look desperate."
ACHIA: shut up!!! Break up with him or else.
SANEM: sorry Achia, not going to happen, Can and I got Married, and we're having a baby. 
Achia just stared at her.  ACHIA; it's probably not even his.
SANEM:  oh it's is and he knows it.  What's wrong with you. You have issues, let me out of here.
Achia grabbed her by the hair. And punched her in the stomach.  Sanem keeled over pretending she was in a lot of pain. Gets up real quick and punches her in the face and pushes her out of the way and unlocks the door and runs out.
CAN: "what happened?"  She explained everything that happened and Can ran to the bathroom with Emer, and saw Achia.   " what the hell is wrong with you? You punched my wife in the stomach and she's pregnant. I'm pressing charges against you. We're canceling the contract. I never want to see you again you'll be hearing from my lawyer..
ACHIA: but Can, she started it.  She hit me first look at my face.
CAN: "stop lying, Sanem recorded everything.  Like I said, you'll be hearing from my lawyer, I wonder what else you're hiding." 
They went back to the table, "Sanem, are you ok, did she hit you hard" "do you want to go to the doctor and get checked out." She starts laughing, are you kidding, I'm fine, I hardly felt anything, but I got her good, she has a fat lip, they all started laughing.  At least now we don't have to do business with her anymore.!!"
Can called Metin on the way home , he told him not to worry that he will take care of everything. 
Can and Sanem were in bed, just thinking about the evening, wondering why she's so  obsessed.
SANEM: "Can, there's definitely something wrong with her. She really needs help."
CAN: "I agree it's not normal the way she's acting.  Hopefully the court will make her get some psychiatric help."
CAN: "now enough of her let's do what we do best"
And did all night.

 When two worlds collide Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz