Chapter 30

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It's been a couple of days since Polen and Yigit showed up, I've been working with Can and Polen and also Yigit he's helping me with the my novel.  He's been trying to get me to work for him in the publishing company, But something inside me says no, work with him but keep your distance .  On the other hand, when I go to work with Can and Polen , (and she's always here at the office, her intentions are clear)  I'm starting to feel like a third wheel.  They're always talking about old friends and things they did together.  It's starting to irritate me, but I can't let Polen see me like that because then she will think she has the upper hand.

The next day Can has already left for the office,  I was disappointed he didn't wait for me, He probably didn't want to wake me up. I get into the office and I look at CeCe doing something funny with his hands like he's putting a spell on somebody he just makes me laugh. He's my best friend, always looking out for me.
SANEM: CeCe. What are you doing?
CECE:  "I'm try to put a spell on that Viper in Cans office, she's trying to take Can away from you, everyone sees it. She walks around here, like she owns the place."
SANEM: "I love you CeCe, don't worry she won't take Can from me, he loves me. " it's that stupid cook book it's taking up a lot of his time.
CECE: Sanem, she is evil and so his her brother, I don't like him, he wants you.  Those two are working together to separate you and Can bey. 
SANEM: don't be silly CECE. Yigit is strange but I don't think he's interested? Can and I will be fine. Now get back to work.
Deep down inside, Sanem felt it too, but mostly on Polen's part. She didn't believe her apology for a minute.  But could Can still have feelings for her?
Sanem started heading toward Cans office, when he hears Polen talking to Can:
POLEN: "Can, remember, Ozgur, he's in town and wants to get together for drinks, what do you think? We had good times with him, remember when we went skiing together that was one of the best weekends we had together a lot of fun and a lot of passionate nights, remember Can."   Sanem is listening and getting upset.
( can was concentrating more on work than  listening to Polen, and answers without thinking)
CAN: yes, I remember it was a good time, Ozgur was always a good time.
POLEN: "well what do you say should we go for drinks with him after work?"
CAN: "sure, it be nice to see him again,"
Sanem is devastated. Did he just agree to go out for drinks with her? what the hell are they going to rekindle their passionate relationship.
Wow CAN, you've been going to lunches with the brat without asking me to join you and now drinks, ok go ahead.  See what I care.
Sanem walks in to the office, Can looks at her and smiles, good morning my love.  She just looks at him, your love!! Really!!  Can looks at her sees something going on in her brain, but doesn't think much of it.
SANEM:  "I'm just bringing you the file for the Fabri's account so you can look at it later. I'll see you later I have a lot of work to do.."( and she walks out)
He didn't even get a chance to tell her to sit down with them to work on the book,  she can't be jealous, she knows I love her.  She must have a lot on her mind between the agency and the publishing house. She must be tired..
Can, looks through the glass doors and sees that string bean go over to Sanem and lean over her shoulder real close to her, to look at her work,  what the hell is wrong with him? Doesn't he know that she's taken. He's always up here interrupting her work and trying to distract her, and she's clueless as always. I don't think he cares!! I have to talk to Sanem he's challenging me.  He's going to be sorry.
Sanem walks into Leyla's office, Leyla sees there is something wrong. She sees tears forming in her sister's eyes.
LEYLA; Sanem, what's wrong?
SANEM: Leyla, I think I lost Can, did you see how closely he's working with Polen?  They go out to lunch together, and tonight they're going out for drinks after work.  How can I compare to her, did you see her she's beautiful, sophisticated, educated, and they have a history together, and according to her they had passionate romantic relationship. 
LEYLA: Sanem, stop!  Can loves you. Yes he might be working with her but he probably wants to get the book out-of-the-way because he has a lot of other work here at the agency. And how do you know that they had a passionate relationship?
SANEM: "I heard her talking to Can about a ski trip they went on with  friends."( she told Leyla what she heard when going to Cans office)
LEYLA: "ok what did Can say?"
SAMEM:  "he said yes he rememberers, that it was a good time. Leyla please can I stay with you for a couple of days, I don't want to go home, what happens if he brings her home, oh my gosh? I don't even want to think about them in bed together.  I can't!! Leyla please."
LEYLA: "of course Sanem, you can stay as long as you want."
Sanem went into Aziz's office.   AZIZ:  hello my daughter, how are you?
SANEM:  Aziz bey, do you mind if I leave a-little early I'm not feeling well, it's the weekend anyway, and I like to get some rest.
AZIZ: is everything OK? You really don't look well.
SANEM: I will be OK. All I need is some rest. Oh, and by the way, I will be staying at my sisters for the next couple of days. I'd like to spend some time with her if that's OK.
AZIZ: of course my dear we will miss you, but you need time with your sister. See you on Monday.
Sanem left early didn't say anything to Can, "let's see if he notices that I'm gone.  Jerk!!
Leyla walked in Cans office and practically threw the financial reports on his desk,  he asks her, "Leyla is everything ok?"She turns around and gives him the dirtiest look and walks out!  Can is confused, what's wrong with her? Maybe she's having a bad day.
As Can and Polen are leaving,  to go for drinks with their friend, he went to look for Sanem to tell her that he's going to meet up with an old friend, and that he won't be back late.
CAN: CeCe, have you seen Sanem?   CECE:  No Can bey, she went home sick, why she didn't tell you?(he whispers to himself, I wonder why)
CAN:  no she didn't, I'll call her.  ( can is looking at CeCe, but CeCe looks mad he's not even looking at me that's strange.
Can call's Sanem, she declines the number, why did she decline my call?  
Stew alittle Can Divit! your not going to see me or hear from me for a couple of days, let's see how you like it !! You Ass!!!!

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