Alexia Putellas x Character (24)

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Alexia POV

Alexia had gone to bed horny. Frustrated. Needy and wanting her. After watching the game with Lucy, she'd been at her house for an hour or so to socialise and pick up Chiquito. She'd been mid-way through a conversation, knowing it was about time to book an Uber when Ridley had texted her, offering to take her instead. At first she'd wondered how she knew where she was, and then she realised that she must have been talking to Blau. She didn't mind that. It took away the effort on her part.

She'd entered Lucy and Blau's place with that natural confidence, striding her way through the room full of attractive footballers. Her eyes had found Alexia first with a little smirk. And then Chiquito who padded over for a hello. She clapped hands with Lucy and as she ducked down to see if Blau was okay, Alexia felt a pang of jealousy at just how much attention she'd drawn.

She shouldn't have been surprised. Ridley commanded attention without lifting a finger, and until that point, Alexia hadn't been the jealous type of person. But now... now she had to take a deep breath to settle that feeling in her stomach. She hated it, and loved it at the same time. She distracted herself by picking up Chiquito and saying her goodbyes.

The drive had been slow and silent, almost. Alexia was sitting in the passenger seat with Chiquito on her lap, just staring at her. Ridley somehow looked even more attractive in the dark, the street lights lighting up her face every time they passed under one. She held a neutral expression, a tell-tale sign of a Ridley in full control of herself, and she always gave off that dark aura. But it wasn't bad. Fuck, it wasn't bad. It made Alexia feel more safe than she ever had. Like she had a demon on her side. One that was soft for her.

She'd broken the silence to ask about her day at work, and Ridley responded politely, asking Alexia about the match and her catch up with the girls. Alexia wondered if she'd felt jealous herself, walking into a room of women, a lot who had flirted with the Spaniard who'd pretended not to notice, hiding behind a 'language barrier', though if Ridley had been, she hid it exceptionally well. The closest she ever got to showing anything was as her hand had touched Alexia's back as she guided them to the door, her bag slung over her shoulders as Alexia had Chiquito in her arms. It had felt so domestic of them and she couldn't ignore the happy feeling she wasn't used to inside of her.

And so she responded, told Ridley about the game and her time with the girls. She didn't ask any specific questions, and about no one in particular, though she did listen actively to each and every word Alexia said. It was nice to feel heard, and even better that it was in Spanish. She could never tolerate English for too long.

When they'd gotten back to the penthouse, Ridley had asked if she wanted dinner, but she'd already eaten at Lucy and Blau's. Instead, they'd settled for another defence lesson. Ridley was the main draw to do the sessions, of course, but Alexia had also genuinely loved them. She felt herself becoming more stable on her feet which was one thing she felt she'd always needed to be better at. But it wasn't only that. She felt more confident in herself, learnt how to approach unwanted situations and felt her body building and stretching muscles she didn't know she had.

"Good... but don't be scared to hurt me. Plant your feet. Again."

God she sounded so good when she was authoritative.

Ridley swung at her at a decent pace, Alexia blocking each swing and ducked, planting her feet and throwing herself forward, her shoulder slamming into her chest, shoving her off balance. Ridley stumbled backwards with a wide grin and excited eyes.

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