Lucy Bronze x Reader (47) & Alexia Putellas x Character (13)

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((**A bit of violence in this one, and mentions of domestic violence. Take it easy, friends... x **))

"YFN?! YFN!"

Ridley's head snapped towards Lucy on the phone. Something was wrong. In a split second she was up and snatching the phone from her hand.

"Blue?! Blue!" She grabbed Lucy's shirt. "What did she say?!"

"She just screamed!" Lucy growled and broke free of her grip with a strong arm, heading hastily for the door.

Ridley beat her there, wrenching it open and running down the stairs. The lift was too slow. She heard the pounding of feet behind her and knew the footballers were in pursuit. They almost kept pace, being athletes. Ridley slammed the front door open and sprinted down the street. She couldn't be far; it was only a walking distance away from the pizza shop.

"BLUE!" She screamed as she sprinted.

*Thoughts of her on the ground, her dad standing over her. Shielding her brother with her body. Pretending she'd been the one who'd burnt the food, not her brother just so he wouldn't get hurt.*

She grabbed her phone out as she ran and tried to track her phone to the last location. It was just up ahead and down a side street. She'd made sure she always knew where she was so she knew she was safe, regardless of if they were on opposite sides of the world or off doing their own things. Blue was the purest form of a person she'd ever met. Someone who truly only cared for others. It was built so deep in Ridley to protect her from anyone who'd try to take advantage of that kindness of hers.


The close pounding of feet behind her meant Lucy and Alexia were closely in tow, but Ridley was quicker.

*The sound of her dad's belt hitting her back and her screams resonating throughout the house. Her crying apologies to him and promising to be better.* How could she possibly promise to be better when she was already so perfect? Her little baby Blue. She'd called her that because she was never Blue. She was always sunshine, and happiness and the best part of Ridley lived with her. She refused to live in a world where she wasn't happy or loved. It was Blue.

Ridley rounded the corner that was her last location to see her body on the ground, wrapped around what she could only assume was Narla. Two people were standing, a male and a female. The male's foot connected with her wrist on the ground and she let out a pained scream.

"BLUE!" Ridley ran forwards and at the sound of her voice, the woman's head snapped around, her eyes wide. Kristie. She recognised her from the photos. She definitely wasn't a fighter, but the man was large so she didn't bother with Kristie beyond a punch so hard to the jaw that she collapsed to the floor. She grabbed the man with both arms and picked him up, slamming him into the bitumen, her fist connecting with his nose. His nose broke in a spurt of blood and she felt her hand break again in the same place it was already broken.

She didn't care though. Her fist almost found him again before Kristie had grabbed her by the jacket and dragged her backwards off of him. Ridley slipped one arm out of her jacket and spun to face Kristie, her foot kicking her hard in the chest. The wind was knocked out of her in a deep gasp as she fell back, taking Ridley's jacket with her and into Lucy who roughly shoved her aside to the floor. Kristie looked up at Lucy with wide, expecting eyes, but her attention was only on Blue.

"We're here little one... I'm here. You can let go of her now."

Ridley heard the man come up behind her and she turned just enough to launch a thigh kick so hard, he'd be bruised for weeks, if not broken. He yelled out and she kicked him onto his back where he belonged.

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