Lucy Bronze x Reader (12)

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Lucy and YFN were making out slowly, just inside the door of her hotel room. Their first date could only be described as perfection from her eyes. YFN had butterflies most of the day as they'd been flirting with each other as if they were school kids. But it was better than that. With the pact of no sex, they were free to flirt and tease and frustrate the other. Three days would be a long time for them.

After the barbecue the night before, they both realised that perhaps they should wait a few days longer until YFN checked out of the hotel as they almost broke their pact that very night, without even having their first date. And so, chivalrously, Lucy had made sure she arrived safely with the promise that she'd pick her up in the morning for their date.

And that she did. And there she was. Beautiful, grinning. Her knee was strapped heavily, and she was wearing a pair of comfy shorts, a white Nike shirt, and cream hoody. Her hair was neat, her middle part separated perfectly, and her glasses were YFN's favourites. The clear ones with the big frames. Her smile was intoxicating, and YFN loved how all of her face smiled, not just her lips.

Their first date was at a park and even with Lucy's knee, they'd managed to make the most of it. They found a tree and settled under it, Lucy had packed a picnic blanket and food for them. Lucy settled against a tree and YFN settled against her. They laid around just talking, sharing their histories, goals, motivations, passions. YFN gave attention to her knee and they talked about those issues and Lucy's lack of proper health care for her knee, as female footballers weren't looked after back then, and still weren't to the proper standard. She was trying to change that.

They read their books together silently, cuddled or laying on each other, stroking each other anywhere and everywhere. They fed each other from the charcuterie, fruit and cheese boards that Lucy had packed. At one stage, Lucy fell asleep with her head on YFN's outstretched legs as she stroked her hair. YFN smiled and kept stroking, continuing to read her book.

When Lucy needed to stretch her muscles out and to give her knee movement, YFN joined. Around lunch time they packed up their things and went for a slow walk around the lake in the park, just enjoying each other. More often than not, they would be finishing each other's sentences or knowing what the other was thinking or feeling. Somehow, however, they still managed to surprise each other. Perhaps it was the difference in nationality, or perhaps it was just... them.

For lunch, Lucy had booked them into her favourite restaurant, and had requested the little secluded booth in the corner. They ordered far too much and shared everything. Lucy and her condiments were going to be the death of YFN, and she said as much as she wiped sauce off her face for the third time.

And then, they were driving home, singing loudly and terribly, letting their happiness out.

And then, they were saying their goodbyes for the day.

And then, they were slowly making out, their bodies pressed up against each other, heads tilted. God, it was so good that Lucy needed to shift her glasses to the top of her head mid kiss so they could better press their heads together. They eventually slowed down and parted their swollen lips, breathing heavily and feeling tingly.

"Thank you for today, Luce," YFN whispered, their foreheads still pressed together.

"You're welcome," Lucy responded automatically.

YFN pulled her head back to look at her. "No, Luce," she said, wanting her to understand. Her hand cupped her face, thumb stroking her cheek. She looked into those intelligent green eyes. "Thank you.. thank you for the best day of my life. Thank you."

This time, Lucy took her time to respond rather than give an automatic response. Their eyes speaking volumes. "It was for me too," she said huskily. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning whenever you're ready. Please be safe tonight. I'm always just a call away."

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