Alexia Putellas x Character (1)

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Alexia was zoned out, as she often had been for the past five months, her mind not able to let go of her. That woman. She'd seen her every time she went back to that anomalous bar. The bar that the players went to, to avoid paparazzi and attention. It was a bit of everything, stripping, performing, gambling, partying, and for their special customers, private rooms available for guests who paid for a little more from their strippers or performers. That was at the agreement of said individual, and at the discretion of the owner, of course. Regardless of that, it was still always loud and bustling with a crowd who all shared the same love of life.

Of course, that's where she met her. The most incredible woman she'd ever seen in her life. She was the reason Alexia kept coming back. She didn't know what had gotten into her, but there was something about her that drew her in.

It was obvious she was a player, but it was something beyond that. She was so intelligent, so genuine that it seemed wrong to think of her as such. They bumped into each other a few times, the flirty, soft smile on her face as she murmured her Spanish apology to Alexia was dizzying. She must have known what she was doing when she smiled at people like that, and whenever she spoke. Her Spanish had just the slightest accent, otherwise it was perfect.

Unfortunately, every time they'd bumped into each other, she was already with someone for the night, or was being coerced on stage. Because if all of that wasn't enough, she sung as well. Played guitar. Piano. Drums. She was always forced or cheered onto the stage by hundreds of people; the obvious crowd favourite. Going with the flow, she drank and flirted and entertained, the crowd mostly in awe. The way her body moved was like sex, and she'd even been involved on stage in their strip shows. Everyone wanted her, men and women, but even more... everyone wanted to be her.

She shared her attention around, talking, flirting, bantering with people she knew and people she didn't. Every night she was there, Alexia hoped they'd get an opportunity to speak, but she never came over. Never chose Alexia. And for the first time in her life, Alexia, la Reina, Captain of both Barcelona and Spain, was unable to build the courage to introduce herself. And so she kept going back anyways, trying to convince herself that it wasn't because of her.

"Ale," Claudia whined in Spanish. "He keeps staring. We should go."

Claudia was one of the victims Alexia had dragged along for the night. The other was Mariona who had left to get drinks.

Alexia saw the woman who intrigued her so, across the bar, leaning back against the wall with a drink in her hand. She was wearing what was essentially a black suit, minus the shirt. Instead, her abs were visible, her suit jacket open and revealing her black bra. As if she could feel her staring, she looked over and caught Alexia's eye as she was mid-conversation, still talking. Her eyes roamed down and back up, dark and acknowledging all of Alexia. One eyebrow lifted and she smiled, keeping that intense eye contact. Alexia couldn't look away; it was like she was locked in place. Her body didn't want to be anywhere except under her gaze.

"La Reina, come on." The man said in Spanish, walking to stand in front of Alexia and break her eye contact. "One drink."

Alexia was annoyed that he'd interrupted and was back. Again. She shook her head. "I don't think you need a drink."

"I'm sober. Only had a few." He didn't appear to be lying, though he had misjudged what she'd said. She knew he wasn't drunk, and instead, she was insinuating that he shouldn't drink as he may become even more persistent with women around the club, as he had been for most of the night. Once he'd spotted Alexia though, he seemed to be on a mission.

Claudia tugged at her, gesturing to the door and Mariona returned with three drinks.

"Oh, so she can buy you a drink because she's a girl and you're a lesbian?" Before Alexia had a chance to say anything, he took two of the drinks Mariona had and downed them. He pointed to the last glass. "Last one is your drink with me, la Reina. Come on, lighten up. Have a little fun."

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