Lucy Bronze x Reader (9)

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The sun was just starting to peak through the curtains when YFN's phone rang.

"It's Dory.." she gasped.

Lucy lifted her head with a groan, her mouth popping off her clit. "Don't you fucking dare."

YFN gave her a defiant look and answered the call. Lucy tried to start again, earning her a slap on the hand gripping her thigh.

"Hi Dory!"

"Hey mate! I haven't had any date updates, are you free today?" YFN looked down at Lucy as she laid naked between her legs, watching her closely. Her head was cradled in her hands and her feet were kicking back and forth in the air like a child. What am I going to do with you? YFN thought with a fuzzy warm feeling inside her.

"Um... yeah.. about that."

Lucy licked her gently from her wet hole, up to her throbbing clit. She jerked and gave her a stern look. Lucy replied with an innocent but obvious 'that's what you get' look.

YFN reached down and took her hand, tangling their fingers to give Lucy the attention she wanted.

"Oh god... Lucy's there right now isn't she?"

"Uh... possibly."

"Did you just answer the phone to me during sex?!"

"She sure did!" Lucy said loud enough for Jordan to hear.

YFN cringed. "Yes, I'll be free today. But there's not really much date to talk about to be honest.."

"Oh my god it just keeps getting worse. I'm hanging up."

Lucy grabbed the phone. "Jords, it's me. You can pick her up in an hour. I have training and I'll be done with her then anyways."

YFN sat up on her elbows and her mouth dropped open. She swore she could hear Jordan's do the same. She slapped Lucy's arm.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Just joking, I'll never be done with her. But she'll be free in an hour.... Jords?" She laughed, throwing the phone back onto the bed. "She hung up but knowing her, she'll be here in an hour."

"It's scary how comfortable we already are with each other."

Lucy grinned and kissed the inside of her thigh from her knee, back to YFN's wet mess.

Lucy didn't want to leave. Last night through to the morning had been the best time she'd had in her life. She'd never felt so seen, so loved, so able to be herself. Shit, she'd fallen hard and somehow, she was still falling.

"Maybe I should call her and cancel.." YFN whispered. They were fresh out of the shower and somehow had managed to put clothes on and not take them back off.

Lucy threw her head back and laughed. "You are not cancelling with Jordan because you can't walk."

YFN's pressed her lips together, dimple slightly appearing. Her cheeks were red.

Lucy continued. "Go on, show me."

She sighed and walked from Lucy to the other side of the room and back with a noticeable soreness. Lucy grinned, proud of herself. "Barely a limp."

"I think it's more accurately described as a waddle." YFN pouted, embarrassed. "She's traumatised."

Lucy stepped close and gently cupped her soreness with the full palm of her hand. She leant forward and brushed her lips along her cheek to her ear and whispered huskily. "Don't say it wasn't worth it."

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