Lucy Bronze x Reader (41) & Alexia Putellas x Character (10)

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((**Happy 2024!!!**))

"And you just left?"

Ridley shrugged. There were sat at a café Ridley was introducing her to, waiting to order.

"It sounds like a good night..."

"It was."

"And she forgave you?"

"She said she did."

"And you shared dessert!" YFN's eyes were basically hearts. "That's adorable."

"She can't eat too unhealthily during season."

"Don't go making excuses now, Riddles, she wanted to share."

Ridley sighed, the heat of the Spanish sun shining down onto her face. Her sunglasses could only do so much. She'd dressed for the pool they were going to be bathing around at Lucy's place, black shorts and a loose, see-through white button up shirt with a black bikini underneath. She always took advantage of her days off by spending them in the sun or doing activities. She was much more excited to spend it with her Blue though. She looked over at her little smiling face, her dimples on show. She was also dressed for the pool and wearing quite a similar outfit, though with one of Lucy's button ups, from the looks of it. She wasn't quite as tanned as she'd been when they'd last seen each other in Australia, though. The UK would do that to you. She seemed much happier though. Happiness suited her. Lucy suited her.

"What're you thinking?"

"Spain suits you."

Her face flashed a happy surprise as her smile widened, and she pretended it didn't. "You think?"


"Lucy loves it here..." She said, looking around them at the people who were so much more placid and in less of a rush than the UK. "Reminds me of Australia."

"Do you think she'll stay at Barca?"

"She wants to, but her knee...she doesn't know how much longer she can keep going."

"You know, anyone in her position would have quit years ago already. Her work ethic is impressive."

"I know. I find it hard to believe she wanted me of all people...I'm really proud of her."

"Don't discount your worth, Blue. She's very, very lucky to have you. I guarantee you bring her a lot of love and security that she's never had before."

Ridley had always been honest, though she knew where it was necessary. She also was incredibly good at understanding people. Even though YFN knew this, it still didn't stop her partially freezing at Ridley's words. She understood them to their core, and that's only after meeting Lucy once.

The waiter came over, then. He was cute, polite, his hair was a wavy light brown mess and he gave them both the most genuine smile as he pushed the glasses up the bridge his nose. He was exactly Ridley's type. She leant back in her chair to get a better look at him, not worried that she was obvious about it. She could feel YFN's eyes roll and the man's naivety slowly being replaced by his testosterone as he realised she liked him. He blushed lightly and gave a little, nervous laugh that made her want him even more.

"Good morning, my name is Christian, what can I get for you today?" He asked, his voice so Spanish that she knew he didn't speak English. She assumed he was new to the café as Ridley hadn't seen him before.

"Torrijas and pan con tomate, both to share. A café cortado for me, and an apple juice for my friend, please." Ridley replied in perfect Spanish, ordering for the two before they'd even looked at the menus. YFN didn't mind, she was used to it, and Ridley knew exactly what she wanted anyways.

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