LB x Reader (52) / AP x Character (20) & JN x LW (10)

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Lucy Bronze x Reader (52) / Alexia Putellas x Character (20) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (10)

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"Was that Alexia?" Lucy asked, surprised.

"Yeah," YFN murmured, just as shocked.

"Calling you?"

She met Lucy's green eyes – the ones that made the butterflies in her tummy do somersaults. "Don't be jealous, Luce." She teased, knowing full well that she wasn't.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Is she okay?" She asked as she bent in front of the bed and patted YFN's thigh. "Up you get, little one."

YFN shuffled to the edge of the bed and pressed herself against Lucy's strong back, wrapping her arm around her front and her good leg around her waist while the other stayed straight in her brace. Lucy stood and walked them to the bathroom. They had gotten used to getting around the house in all different ways, Lucy insisting on helping her everywhere.

YFN put her nose to the back of Lucy's hair and breathed in her smell. She always smelled extra sweet after she'd just woken.

"She wants to talk... and also said Barca wants an update call with you two..." she murmured as she planted a soft, lingering kiss to the back of her neck in appreciation.

Lucy hummed happily. "Thank you for that."

She placed her down gently on the sink in the bathroom and pulled the high stool to rest her leg on. At this point, they were a well-oiled operation.

"She's coming over?"

"Yeah, I thought it'll be good for her. I told her I'm interviewing you today and suggested that we can talk after it, but she said she wants to come and watch and be interviewed as well."

"It does make sense doing hers soon as we won't know when she's headed back..." Lucy agreed as she removed her sling, and her shirt. The cool air of the bathroom hardened YFN's nipples immediately and Lucy gave a smirk as she ducked down to kiss them. "Hello, friends."

"You're a child."

"I hope not, otherwise we've got a real problem on our hands."

YFN scoffed as Lucy put waterproof coverings over her collarbone bandage, and her arm cast. "You're the cougar here."

"It's okay, mummy's here."

"Oh god, Luce."

Lucy chuckled at her own joke as she usually did and finished taping the top of the soft plastic around her arm cast. She put a hand on the sink either side of her and leant it. "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy hearing me say that."

YFN bit her lip instead of responding and Lucy leant in, her lips brushing over her bruising, her dimples, her lips. YFN gave a soft, agreeing sigh as she leant into her, but Lucy had already retreated teasingly with a smirk. She gave her a soft peck on the forehead before moving her attention down to wiggle the sleeping shorts and underwear from YFN. It was embarrassing for her; having to be looked after, though Lucy was so kind, so patient, and never made fun of her for it.

She was now naked sitting on the sink and trying to keep her arm still as if the sling were still on, all the while watching Lucy and blushing. The footballer was getting a large black bin bag that they'd been using to cover her knee brace while she showered which she was also ashamed to admit she was embarrassed at.

Lucy looked up at her, perhaps because of her silence, and saw her red cheeks. "Oh, little one. No need to be embarrassed, okay? It's just me."

She put the bag down and came close again, peppering little kisses onto her cheek. "I can't help it. I wish I could..."

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