Lucy Bronze x Reader (51) & Alexia Putellas x Character (18)

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Lucy POV

Lucy's body didn't know what to do. It wanted to sleep well like it always did when it was with her, but it also was so terrified of moving wrong and hurting her more. Her little broken Australian. Guilt had been gnawing at her since the assault. She should have been there. She should have ran quicker. She should have sorted Kristie out when the photos had happened. Before her scar. Her Visa. Her assault.

Her assault.


She couldn't escape it. The thought of it – the brutality towards someone who never meant to hurt anyone with words let alone violence. Lucy had rounded the corner shortly after Ridley, her knee screaming in pain as she did so and suddenly Kristie was pushed back into her. But she didn't care. She'd thrown her body to the ground because she only had eyes for one thing.

Her little Australian huddled on the ground protecting Narla. Lucy had been too scared to touch her, to hurt her, but she knew she needed to. She needed to be strong for her, and so she would be. She'd be anything she needed her to be.

And so, she had been. Quite naturally. Her thoughts were purely YFN. How to make her comfortable, wanting to spend time with her, to make sure she knew how loved she was.

This wasn't a task to Lucy. It wasn't something she thought about doing, she just... did. And although she shouldn't have – YFN did so in return.

It was now Friday, five days since the incident and every one of those days they spent just enjoying each other and working through the hardship together. It wasn't something they needed to discuss, they just did. They leant on each other and worked as a team which was something Lucy wasn't used to in a partnership. She was used to working together, sure, but with communication. With YFN they didn't need that.

The first few days in the hospital had been the hardest. Now that they were home, it was easy besides the knowledge gnawing at Lucy that she needed to be in training late next week for the Lionesses. But right now, they were together and although yesterday had been about spending time with Alexia and work, today was very much a relaxed one.

Lucy had been trying to read the same sentence for twenty minutes, her head moving back to a mixture of those negative thoughts and the feel of YFN sitting between her legs. They were sat in the corner of the couch, one of Lucy's legs behind her back as YFN leant against the couch perpendicular to Lucy's, both of her own legs stretched over Lucy's other one. It was comfy. Natural.

Lucy gave up on her book and put it down, instead turning her attention to YFN. She was concentrating hard on the last pages of her book, the hand of her arm in the sling was playing with Lucy's absentmindedly as it always did.

Her hair was up in a messy bun though slightly different, as Lucy had done it that morning. Her beautiful sun-kissed hair. Her little dimples getting shallower and deeper as her lips moved, almost whispering as she concentrated. Those dazzling blue eyes. The now paled pink scar cutting the edge of her eyebrow. Her dark, bruised jaw, now only a little swollen, giving her a baby faced look.

Lucy's heart grew in size as she studied her. She wasn't used to feeling things so deeply until she'd met her. She knew... she knew she would go to extraordinary lengths for her. And it was almost scary just how extreme those were. She was her first thought when she woke, the last when she slept and almost every thought in between. How strange it was, to dream of her even when she was with her.

She'd quit football for her. She'd move countries for her.

Her priorities had all shifted as she came into her life and took that top spot away. And she never even had to ask for it.

Sunsets and footballersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin