Alexia Putellas x Character (9)

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((**Mentions of Lucy/YFN.* *What happens when two dominant people start falling for each other? This... :')* *I think this is my favourite chapter so far...**))

Alexia had her arms crossed over her body as she watched Lucy and her girlfriend through the glass at the airport. Lucy was the type of person to be so brutal on the field, so dedicated in her work, and so unapologetically independent. There were occasions where she was excited enough for physical contact with people, though they were rare, because that was the soft side of her that you only see if you truly knew her well. Even then, she hid it extremely well, even when she was with Keira.

Not now though. Alexia watched Lucy and YFN move like there was a cord connected between them, their movements naturally synced and complementing each other. And then there were the looks, the longing, the love, the hopeless expressions that were exchanged with smiles and blushes, many of which were one staring without the other noticing. It made Alexia feel a lot of things to see them like this. To see Lucy be so happy, so touchy, so in love. It now made sense to her why Lucy was always lost in a daydream since she'd returned from the last international break. Because she was always thinking about her; because this was one of those things you only see in movies or read about in poetry.

"They are cute, no?"

Alexia flinched at the voice which was a lot closer than she expected. She turned to Ridley who was leant against her car, hands clasped casually behind her back as she studied Alexia's face. Her famous all-too-neutral expression usually helped her disguise her emotions, yet she felt Ridley could see right through it. And she could. Just the slightest hint of downturned eyebrows, her mouth set a little too hard, and the biggest giveaway, her eyes. Alexia's eyes were like an open book for her, betraying her deepest feelings, and right now she could see...longing.

"I guess."

"I prefer absolutes."

Alexia raised an eyebrow, her face otherwise staying the same. "Is there a way to absolutely tell if tonight is going to be awkward between the two of us?"

Ridley smiled and Alexia watched the scar on her cheek shift with the movement of her face. "Awkward is fun, no?" She pushed off from the car and opened the door, gesturing Alexia in as if she were a chauffeur. "La Reina."

Alexia looked at the fact that she'd opened the rear car door, and not the front. She was unsure if Ridley expected her to call her bluff, but she did anyways. She slid into the back seat as if she were an actual Queen, and Ridley an actual chauffeur. Bluff called. Alexia watched a smile creep over her face at her unexpected cheekiness as she closed the door. Alexia 1, Ridley 0.

"Ridley! It's been too long! How are you?" The restaurant owner was gushing over the couple as they came in. "And I see your taste in women is impeccable, how lucky we are for you to bring the la Reina to our little restaurant."

Ridley shared a grin and a polite half-hug with him. Did she know everyone? "Emiliano, I hope your family are well. Yes, I've been busy. I took a few contracts in Dubai recently so I've been gone for most of the year there."

Alexia's interest peaked at that. That's where she'd been?

"My daughter wants to do that one day too. She's so excited! Won't shut up about it. Oh well, I'm glad you're back. You look beautiful, as do you, Miss Putellas. As luck would have it, I have your favourite table free! Follow me."

Usually Alexia was the centre of attention. The one who lead the way and had to do all of the talking and pleasantries. Here with Ridley she felt the opposite and it was...incredibly refreshing. Alexia followed closely behind Ridley, studying her back as she walked with such confidence. They reached her 'favourite table' which sported a stunning view of the city, but also retained a little privacy from half of the restaurant. In addition to that, she couldn't help but realise how humble Emiliano had been when he'd said 'little restaurant'. It looked and felt Michelin Star. Emiliano shared a gesture with Ridley that she didn't see, and he stepped back as Ridley took his place to push Alexia's chair in behind her. Another new fact about Ridley she'd just learnt. Chivalry. Alexia 1 – Ridley 1.

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