Lucy Bronze x Reader (35) & Alexia Putellas x Character (6)

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(**Don't be mad at me, please! Good stuff coming next chapter!**))

It was Friday morning and Lucy was just making breakfast when she heard Narla barking like crazy. Postman. She suddenly got excited and ran to the door, grinning at the package on her doorstep. It had arrived later than expected and she'd been like an eager child. Today was going to be a good day. A present. A hard training day for the game tomorrow. A bar dinner with Alexia after practise, and then YFN's flight was supposed to land at 10pm.

She brought the little box inside and placed it on the coffee table in her lounge room so Narla could see it better. She was also interested.

"What's this, Narls, huh? A present from mum's girlfriend?"

Narla yapped at her as if they were having a conversation.

"Of course, you knew that, how silly of me. Oh, you're going to love her. She's coming tonight, remember!"

Narla yapped again, this time a little impatiently as Lucy tore into the box. She loved opening things; it was always like a Christmas present for her.

Inside she found three items. One was a new chew toy for Narla, a little football which she threw to her to stop her yapping. She loved it and Lucy wondered if it would last until YFN arrived. The second was a little set of sandcastle buckets with a shovel. It may have seemed like a silly little thing to most people, but not to Lucy. She immediately thought about how high and complex she'd now be able to build them with these. She grinned. YFN probably didn't realise the monster she created by gifting those. The last item was a small blue polaroid camera.

She read the printed note inside the box.

Hi Luce,

We just hung up the phone and I already miss the sound of your voice.

I hope you and Narla like your presents. I'm excited for our beach mornings and sunsets!

As for the polaroid camera, I thought we could make some memories with it...

I can't wait to see you again. I miss the warmth of you next to me.

I miss you.


Lucy leant back against the couch and read the note again, unable to control her smile. 10pm tonight she'd be there. 10pm.

"A bit distracted, Lucia?" Mapi teased as her ball hit Lucy's stomach before she had time to react.

They were standing in a circle, doing their usual training.

"YFN's coming tonight." Kiera teased from Lucy's left, giving Lucy a light shove.

Alexia was on Lucy's right and moved a little closer. "Your girlfriend is coming tonight?"

Lucy nodded, understanding the real question. "Yeah but not until 10pm. I'll be with you until around 9:30pm. I figured we couldn't be out too late anyways with the game tomorrow."

"Ah," Alexia nodded, though with a cheeky expression. "You are definitely not Spanish, Lucia."

She slapped the opposite shoulder Kiera had, and Lucy rolled her eyes, used to being assaulted by everyone. What Alexia had meant was that in the Spanish culture, it was normal to stay up late and dinner around 9 or 10pm wasn't unusual.

Jonatan called a break and Lucy pouted at Alexia as they took water bottles from the esky. "How long do you plan on staying out?"

The game was just over 300km south of Barcelona in Villareal at 4:30pm and their short flight left at midday. It wasn't ideal for YFN who Lucy had also booked flights for, nor was it ideal for Alexia to be awake too late waiting for someone who may not show.

Sunsets and footballersWhere stories live. Discover now