Alexia Putellas x Character (19)

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((**mini 2.8k**))

"Put me down."

"You're obviously doing better if you're ready to argue."

They both knew Alexia didn't need to be okay to be arguing with her.

"Put me down, Ridley."

"That's not a nice way to talk to someone who's helping you."

"Why are you even here?"

"To check on you."

"To check on me or Chiquito?"

"Can't it be both?"

Alexia gave a frustrated sound.

"Put me down."


"You can't carry me all the way, I'm heavy."

"Yes, I can, and no, you are not."


"I was in the military. I've been through worse."

"Yes, as a pilot. Is that where you get your stubbornness from?"

Ridley looked down at her and was not disappointed by the grumpy look she had on her fatigued, sweaty face. She smirked.

"I went through SERE training. And no, I like to think that was genetically gifted to me."

"Blau mentioned that..."

"Hm. What did she say?"

"Nothing, she said I should ask you."

Ridley nodded like she already knew what Blau would have done. "Okay."


"Well, what? You haven't asked me a question."

"You're so frustrating!"

"And still, you can't get me out of your head."

Alexia went silent for a moment at that honesty.

Ridley looked at her and felt guilty again. "It's not a nice discussion to have."

"I just don't understand... you were a pilot. You weren't in the army."

Ridley sighed, knowing she'd never let it go. "No, but pilots are most likely to become prisoners in enemy territory if we crash or eject or run out of fuel. We needed to be trained to endure it."

"Endure what? Australia isn't fighting anyone."

Ridley stepped into the lift; Alexia still cradled safely in her arms. "Press the button, please."

"Not until you tell me more."

Alexia saw Ridley's jaw flex as she manoeuvred and pressed the penthouse button with her elbow.

"There's a lot of fighting happening that the public isn't aware of."

Alexia's eyes widened. "You... fought?"

"I was one of a few who were involved in live combat, yes."

"And so... how did they train you?"

Ridley made a frustrated noise. "What do you want me to say here, Alexia? They tortured us. Broke us. Again, and again. They drowned us and starved us and broke our bodies down to make us stronger. They broke us until it was impossible to torture us. So that we could endure any type of pain. Is that what you want to hear?" Ridley was looking at her now, those memories flooding across her face, across those dark eyes. "So yes, I can carry you until my fucking bones break, and beyond."

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