Lucy Bronze x Reader (26) & Alexia Putellas x Character (3)

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There were many pictures of Lucy all over the internet, but in reality, she rarely took photos of herself. Usually, they were for an Instagram update or for family, and now, morning selfies for YFN. Lucy was still smiling when she woke after her spontaneous late night phone sex with her little Australian, and it was a first for Lucy. She'd never dated anyone comfortable enough to do that. And beyond all of that, somehow Lucy had managed to orgasm by just hearing her, watching her... god, the way her excited nipples looked, the arch in her back, the stifled whimpering so Jordan wouldn't hear. Lucy was tempted to find a late flight to Birmingham just to spend that night. She gave a teasing smile as she took a sleepy selfie from her bed, glasses on, cuddling Narla and giving a look she knew would get her girlfriend's attention.

Lucy: Selfie to start your day. Good morning, little one x

Lucy was still a little disheartened about the airport, however the phone sex had put a little of her disappointment to bed. YFN just wasn't ready to say it or accept it yet, and although Lucy didn't understand it, she would try to.

As usual, Lucy picked up Ona and drove them to training. It just made sense, and it gave her some company in the Spanish city where she didn't fully speak the language.

"Do you want me to drive us this week?" Ona asked in broken English. It was still better than most of the players on the team. "Because of your knee?" She reached over and gave Lucy's knee a little squeeze.

Lucy shied away from her touch for many reasons. One being that she didn't like being touched. Another being that she didn't want Ona to get the wrong impression. Lucy had never liked being touched or hugged, unless it was from close friends or at specific moments. Jordan, for example. Jordan was always so affectionate with her thigh squeezes and kisses on the forehead when you did something right. She could handle that in moderation, yet she reserved her closest needs and affection for herself. That is, until she'd met YFN. For some odd reason, Lucy wanted affection from her constantly. It was a need that she was still yet to understand.

"Maybe alternating will be good." Lucy agreed.


"Oh.. me today, you tomorrow, me, you, me..."

"Ahhh." Ona nodded in understanding and flashed Lucy a smile. "Si, estoy de acuerdo." Yes, I agree.

They arrived at training and were immediately surrounded by fans with cameras at the entrance. They wanted signatures and selfies, but Lucy never tended to stop on the way in, and always on the way out instead. She'd learnt early in her career to set healthy boundaries with fans. As she drove through the gate she saw someone familiar in the crowd briefly and had to double take, but lost her to the crowd. There were so many regular fans and Lucy would always try to remember the ones who kept coming back, however there were just too many.

"Lucia Roberta, why are you looking anxious?" Alexia asked in Spanish. Lucy knew enough to converse generally, and she was especially used to Alexia not wanting to speak English often.

Lucy worried at her phone, wondering why the day was finishing and she still hadn't gotten a reply from YFN. She always replied. Was she okay? Her mind went to Kristie and the brick and the blood...

When she didn't get a response, Alexia sat down next to Lucy. The two weren't as close as they were with others, but they respected each other. Alexia respected Lucy for her brilliance as a player, and her discipline. Lucy respected Alexia for her skill on the field, and her leadership. Alexia didn't tend to take bullshit, but she cared deeply. She was always straight forward but looked after her players well. They were similar in a lot of ways, really.

"Lucia?" Alexia asked again in Spanish, looking to her phone. "You're not usually on your phone."

"I'm worried about my girlfriend." She said simply.

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