Lucy Bronze x Reader (36) & Alexia Putellas x Character (7)

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Lucy and Alexia were back in their moods. It was almost midday at the airport and they were sat with the group, though with headphones on and dissociating. Lucy was frowning at her phone, presumably texting her girlfriend while Alexia was staring into the distance with a resting face so terrifying that nobody dared approach the pair. Lucy had picked Alexia up last night and the pair had ended up talking in Lucy's car out the front of Alexia's house for a while. It had become a cathartic release for them to open up to each other rather than bottle it in. Alexia tried to help Lucy find solutions to flights, though there weren't any, she'd already exhausted all of those avenues. Lucy had shown disbelief and almost shock towards what Alexia had experienced with her 'crush'. They were both in similar boat, though Alexia knew Lucy's was better as she actually had the girl already. Alexia had hoped after last night that she would be turned off of Ridley, but she wasn't. That next morning the thoughts of her were still there and as she stared into the distance at the airport, she realised that longing feeling was also. She remembered the feel of Ridley's fingers, as if she already knew her body better than herself. The heat of her body against her back. The whisper of breath in her ear. She'd also noticed scars on her torso that she hadn't noticed before, as she wasn't usually half naked. She wondered at those before her mind went to what she'd said to her.

'I come here to see you.' Ridley frequented that bar just to see Alexia? Was she just saying that to get her to lower her guard?

'I don't think of you like that, Alexia.' She thought about her as something other than one of her fucks?

'I don't know how to give you anything else.' That one had sounded incredibly genuine, but what did it mean? Was it related to her scars? Had something happened to her?

Lucy nudged Alexia then, breaking her from her trance. She looked at her as she gestured to the boarding gate.

They boarded the plane and for the first time ever, Alexia and Lucy sat next to each other up the front. Neither of them made a big deal about it, and the rest of the team seemed to also have accepted that the two had become quite close now.

Alexia sighed as she looked out the window.

"If you keep thinking that hard, you'll have a stroke." Lucy said from next to her.

"You know what I think about, Lucia. I know you can't judge me." There's that broken English again. It got lazier the more distracted she was, and also had become lazier when she lost her care about making mistakes in front of Lucy.

"You're going back there, aren't you?"

"I'm not sure yet..." She turned to look at Lucy. "But I know I have to go back for my jacket."

Lucy knew it was an excuse, but she also knew it was Alexia's favourite jacket that she'd left behind in the room and as she'd described it, she'd left quite hastily.

"For the jacket...mmnhmn." Lucy responded sceptically.

Alexia didn't even bother to roll her eyes at her. Instead, she let the guilty look sit openly on her face. She had no reason to hide it from Lucy, she already knew everything and if anything, she was finally comfortable enough with Lucy now to be comforted by her.

YFN was upset. It was Saturday now, Lucy's game day. The storm had gotten slightly better, though there were still no passenger liner flights. She looked at the flights out and became frustrated as she realised other private planes and such were still flying. It was just coming up on 11am which meant it was midday in Barca and Lucy was already waiting for her flight to game. YFN looked down at the selfie she'd sent from the terminal. She was smiling but the happiness didn't quite reach her eyes.

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