Lucy Bronze x Reader (24)

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YFN had the worst sleep she'd had since she arrived in England. She woke feeling fatigued and found herself patting around for Lucy which woke her from her half-asleep daze. Of course, she wouldn't find her. She was 1200km away.

She forced herself to get up, dragging her feet to the bathroom to start her day. She showered miserably, thinking about the airport, the feel of Lucy's lips, the sudden jolt of her heart when she'd said those three words. She'd frozen, unable to say them back, and Lucy had looked a little disappointed. She had no idea why, but her fight or flight had been triggered by that, and it completely took her by surprise. She looked out through the glass shower pane at Lucy's little blue toothbrush. She caught herself and shook her head.

You need to grow up, she told herself. YFN had been alone for most of her life, this was pathetic. She was better than this.

Out in the kitchen she found a note from Jordan.

Good morning, roomie!

Breakfast in fridge.

Smash your first meeting today!

Love you! x

Jordan saying that was vastly different to Lucy saying it, perhaps because she was so obsessed with Lucy. She smiled at the note and replied to her as she ate the oats and yoghurt she'd made her.

You're amazing. Thank you for breakfast, Dory! *big eyes emoji*

Still on to pick up Blu tonight?

She knew she wouldn't reply at training and went on with her day, packing and preparing for their first meeting. She made sure she looked sharp and was extra early, arriving at the generously sized conference room Joe had booked in a luxurious hotel in town. Her mouth dropped as she'd entered the hotel, and the booked room was beyond anything expected. She set herself up for a long day, making sure to talk to the hotel staff about the food options. Joe had already booked canapes for them, and the hotel had a service to regularly offer them any food or drink they needed throughout the day.

She was pleasantly surprised when all of them arrived early, seemingly keen for their first meeting. There were 9 in total, 4 videographers: Samantha, Ethan, Bridget, Matt, 4 photgraphers: Daniel, Ruby, Olivia, and Emily who was in a relationship with Bridget, and then there was Noel, their IT guy who dabbled with a bit of everything. YFN realised quickly that Noel was incredibly technologically gifted, he just happened to lack a bit of social skill. The sight of his overgrown, wild hair, and his worn down converse shoes added to the stereotype he so perfectly filled.

It was perfectly clear from the start that Joe had hired some gifted people, she'd obviously put the work in to understand who they were. YFN had been worried at first about clashing personalities but it wasn't an issue at all; they all were very much happy to bring proper media attention to women's football.

Everything was spoken about from the company credit cards given to the by Joe for the fuel and equipment, to the creation of a schedule for the rest of a season so all games would have at least 1 photographer and 1 videographer there. They each knew their role, and so with most of the logistics covered, they moved onto creating the brand. YFN was keen to hear their ideas as they were all female football fans themselves, so they knew what they wanted to see as fans. They messed around for a bit using the presentation screen they had set up, picking at their canapes and discussing what would be the most appealing shots and photos to get.

"Oh... my god.. is that Lucy Bronze?" Noel commented as YFN had been flicking through images of players on her MacBook for inspiration.

A few chuckles went around the room. The other eight people had already been following YFN on social media for a while, so she had assumed they all knew they were dating.

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