Author: The wedding planning was going quite smoothly, in fact, you had both set a date, and you both would be married in the next 6 months, I mean wedding planning isn't easy work, 14th February is the set date... Tae said Valentine's Day is perfect and so you agreed... first it was the colour scheme and the venue, you decided to worry about catering at a later stage and you had an event planner sorting out the venue decorations... now all that was left to do was wedding dress shopping, for this, you and Tae went your separate ways, you wanted to keep the dress a surprise so you took Mindy and Clare with you... someone else tagged along too, before going wedding dress shopping you had a recording session with TXT (remember that they are still young boys) and a quarrel broke out between Yeonjun and Kai... you felt bad for Kai because he was crying, so you had asked him if he wanted to come with...

Kai: *crying* no Hyung, I didn't throw your tteokbokki in the toilet...

Yeonjun: ya! Stop crying like a baby, if you didn't do it then who did... no one else went to the bathroom, you big baby...

Y/N: enough Yeonjun... he said he didn't do it...

Yeonjun: No Noona... he obviously did...

Y/N: ok you know what... it's time for me to leave but I can't leave you two like this, *turns to Kai and gets on one knee so you can be at his height* Hyuka, look at Noona, do you want to go shopping with me?

Kai: yes Noonan *sniffles* then can we get ice cream...

Y/N: *smiles and wipes his tears away* of course...

Taehyun: Noona, that's not fair, we should also get ice cream, Yeonjun was the only one who caused trouble...

Y/N: *realises that they might think that you favour Kai* ok, let's do this, I'll take Kai with me and he'll tell me your favourite snacks and I'll buy them for all of you as a treat for recording so well today...

All the members except for YJ: *run to you and hug you* thanks Noona...

Y/N: *hugs them back* its my pleasure boys... *looks at Yj* aren't you going to join the group hug Yeonjun

YJ: *moody* no... I'm still upset with you...

Author: Yeonjun is 12 turning 13, so you could tell that he was a bit hormonal, and you could see that he was a bit jealous of Kai, they all saw you as their older sister and you treated them like your baby brothers... you never wanted any of them to feel like you favour the other members...

Y/N: *lets go of the other members and gives Yj a hug* I love and appreciate all of you the same Yj, there's no reason to be jealous...

Yj: *whispers* how did you know I was jealous...

Y/N: I was once a teenager too Yeonjun... I know how you feel, *pats his back*

Yeonjun: thanks Noona...

Author: now that you had resolved their conflict, you went with Kai in your car to pick up your Mom and Clare so that you could go shopping for the dress...

Kai: *sitting in the front seat with the seatbelt* Noona... who's that old lady with the wrinkles sitting in the back...

Y/N and Clare: *burst out laughing*

Mindy: hey... I don't look that old...

Kai: Noona, is she your grandma...

Clare and Y/N: *On the verge of tears*

Clare: this kid is hilarious...

Kai: I didn't even make a joke...

Y/N: *wiping her tears away* she's my mom Kai...

Kai: *shocked* she's your mom? Wow... I feel sorry for you in the future...

Y/N: *stops laughing*

Clare and Mindy: *look at each other and start laughing*

Timeskip to the wedding dress boutique...

Author: all of you walked in, since Kai was still a bit emotional, you held his hand for emotional support

Fitting Assistant: Good Afternoon and welcome to xxxx Wedding Boutique, I'm Nam Juri, how may I assist you?

Y/N: Hi, We have a booking for 13:30...

Juri: *checks bookings for the day* Oh yes, you must be Y/N...

Y/N: yes I am...

Juri: nice to meet you, I will be your assistant for today, please follow me this way...

Author: all of you followed her...

Juri: *notices Kai* may I just say you have a gorgeous little boy...

Y/N: uhh... no, he's not my son, he's my baby brother...

Mindy: *in mind* baby brother?

Juri: sorry, I did notice you look a bit young

Y/N: it's ok...

Mindy: can we just get along with the fitting... I have dinner plans with your father later...

Author: you tried on the first dress, but you thought it made you look a bit old fashioned, the second one was way too puffy, the third just looked horrendous, it went on and on and on for about 2 hours, you just couldn't find the right dress... but then Kai had something to say...

Kai: Noona?

Y/N: *feels hopeless* yes Kai?

Kai: can I choose a dress for you to try?

Y/N: *in mind* well, I don't have anything to lose at this point... *to Kai* of course, look around and ask that Noona *points to Juri* to help you get it off of the rack...

Kai: *gets up and looks around for about 5 minutes with Juri* Please can you give this one to my Noona to try...

Juri: of course... *takes it off the rack and gives it to you* he chose this one

Y/N: let's give it a try...

Kai: 화이팅 Noona (Hwaiting)...

Y/N: *goes to the changing room and tries it on then walks out* what do you think... I haven't looked in the mirror yet...

Will this be the dress she walks down the aisle in, or will there be another that catches her eye, find out in the next chapter... Don't forget to vote and comment

Author: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself 🤭, I needed to add a childhood picture of Kai's... he was just too cute...

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