This Love

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My body ached all over but I couldn't be more happy to be awake, to know that Noah is okay, to see a doctor that was currently explaining my condition, telling me I'm okay, aside from the gash on my face and a few cracked ribs.

"You've been through a lot, recovery won't be easy but the most important thing is, the baby is okay," the doctor spoke in a caring tone as he nonchalantly said the word baby.

"What baby?" My mouth hung open slightly after speaking my question.

"The baby, you're eight weeks pregnant." He stated simply. "You didn't know?"

"No" I turned to look at Noah who had a shit eating grin across his face. He caught my stare and squeezed my hand tightly.

"It's happening baby," he said softly. I can't believe it. I almost don't want to believe. I'm pregnant. I'm actually pregnant. Noah moved to stand and pull me into a gentle hug.

"Congratulations," the doctor said as he stepped towards the door. "A nurse will be by to check on you later."

"We did it baby, we're having a baby," Noah whispered into my hair before planting a kiss there. I felt fresh tears slip down my face. I had only just finished crying an hour ago. This time for a whole new emotion. Happiness.

7 months later...

Pain radiated through my body, up my back and down my legs. Words can't even begin to describe how to feels down there. I'm pretty sure I'm tearing.

"Come on Alex, one more big push and you should be done." The doctor said from between my legs encouraged. Noah was at my side holding my hand tightly as he brushed the hair from my face and off my sticky sweat covered forehead. I took a deep breath and went in for another push. The pain intensified before quickly dying off. In a matter of seconds the doctor was standing up, holding the baby up to be seen. It's beautiful, covered in blood and slime, but beautiful. The baby went out of sight for a moment before a nurse brought them back placing them on my chest.

"Congratulations, it's a girl, just like you thought," the nurse said softly as she stepped back. Noah and I stared at the our baby in awe for a moment before looking back to each other.

"We did it baby," he cooed before placing a soft kiss to my forehead. "We have our rainbow baby."

The End

Bad Decisions - Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now