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Noah pulled me back towards the bed, slowly he sat down never breaking the kiss, pulling me to stand between his spread legs. A perfect height match. I leaned down just slightly to meet his lips. Both hands found my waist where long fingers rubbed the exposed skin over my leggings. His soft touch was enough to warm my chilly skin. Noah snaked one arm further around me and pulled me back into his lap. I wrapped one around his neck keeping the other between us, with my hand against his chest. The heat between us was mounting and I didn't want it to go any further, so I pulled away, pressing my forehead to his. "Noah" I breathed out.

"I know" he said breathlessly. "I understand, I don't want to either" His words left me speechless; I pressed my lips back to his, this time softly, just one slow kiss before I pulled away.

"Thank you" I whispered through the dim lighting. "I think I'm going to go to bed now" I stood up with his assistance, he then led me to the bathroom door, flicking on the light for me, he pressed one last kiss to my forehead before I snuck back to my room.

When the morning came, I heard the boys downstairs mulling around in the kitchen. I slipped out of bed and headed for a shower. Once dressed with dried hair I made my way downstairs to find the boys just now digging into their breakfasts. "Good morning boys" I said as chipper as I could as I made my way to the coffee pot. Pouring my cup of coffee I heard the muffled responses of the boys with their mouths full. Cup in hand I turned towards the island to retrieve creamer from the fridge when I collided with the door of the fridge.

"Oh shit" I heard Nick from the other side of the door. Of course it was him. I looked down to see broken glass and coffee scattered across the tile floor.

"Woah, woah, woah, you got bare feet" I heard Noah say. As I looked up he was approaching from across the kitchen. He stopped at the edge of the coffee puddle to lean over and grab me, he lifted me with ease, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved me and set me down feet away from the mess Nick and I made. "Nick, I think that's your job to clean up" Noah shoved the task onto my brother. As I stepped away I caught sight of Nicholas who seemed to be studying me; we needed to give him an explanation. I padded over to the kitchen table where he sat and took a seat. Nicholas turned his head to me and without words asked the question Noah and I needed to answer.

"I'm not completely sure yet" I turned my head in his direction and whispered to him. He didn't look completely pleased but he nodded and went back to eating. I sat there awkwardly as Nick cleaned up the mess with some help from Noah. When Nick was done cleaning up he poured a cup of coffee and placed it in front of me on the the kitchen table. "Thanks" I looked up too him, he gave me an apologetic smile.

Later in the day I was hiding in my room; the boys were downstairs writing music and I wouldn't dare bother them. A knock on my door alerted me, causing me to looking up from my laptop. "Yes". The door popped open to reveal Noah standing there. "Hey" a smile immediately spread on my face once seeing him.

"Hey, can we talk?" he asked as he entered the room, closing the door behind himself softly. He stepped over to the bed and sat towards the end facing me.

"Yeah, I think we need to" I said as I closed my laptop and set it aside. "Where do you wanna start?" I asked as I pulled my knees into my chest nervously.

I want to start by letting you know that everything that happened last night, I meant it." He held eye contact as he spoke. The brown eyes pulling any walls I had down faster than I could work to keep them up. "I meant everything, I want whatever you'll give me" I felt my chest tighten, it was hard to believe I wasn't dreaming in this exact moment. I had to work to find my words before I spoke.

"I don't want to rush into anything, but I think I know what I want" I said. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I think we want the same thing" I went on as I carefully studied Noah's face. "Let's play it by ear" I suggested. With that a smile covered his face before he leaned forward to press his lips to mine gently.

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