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"That could have gone a lot worse" I said looking over to Noah as the door closed behind Nick.

"It also could have gone a lot better" Noah sighed as he sat back on the loveseat, legs spread wide in front of him.

"It'll get better with time, I promise." It was hard in the moment not to tell him my true feelings but I know it's too soon and we've been through enough today.

"Come here," he held an arm out for me. I slowly rose from my seat to relocate to his lap where he wrapped one arm around my midsection holding me securely. "I meant everything I said"

"I know" I said as I pressed my forehead to his. "I'm starting to look forward to touring now" my statement made Noah smile.

"I'm glad. You're going to love it" he pressed his lips to mine softly.

The next day Noah followed through and took me shopping as he said he would. A time consuming task considering my indecisiveness and Noah's want to go into every store that looks interesting. After a few hours, a couple hundred dollars, and several bags later, Noah finally deemed our shopping trip a success and we headed home. Noah placed the bags in the backseat before opening my door for me and going around to the drivers side.

As we started driving I noticed him looking through the rear view mirror with a look of heavy contemplation written on his face. I stole a quick peek into the backseat before facing forward with a smirk. "Is there something behind us making you look that way or is it that pink striped bag in the backseat?" I asked as casually as I could.

Noah breathed out letting one side of his mouth quirk up. "Maybe." 

"Why's that" I asked leaning over the center console. I had to give him props, he was very well composed in the store compared to how he's acting now. What's actually the matter is beyond me at this point.

"Just thinking" he said as he reached over, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Thinking about what" I was intent on playing the innocent card as long as I could. Just for fun.

"Of all the fun things we could do with the lace in that pink striped bag back there." he sounded confident now.

"What kind of fun things are you thinking of?" I had to pry, I just had to.

"I was thinking about a game, a game for tour. Tell me what you think. You like wearing oversized clothes, right?" It sounded like we were about to bargain.

"Right" I agreed

"I like it when you wear lace" he stated

"I've noticed"

"So how about, every time you wear oversized clothes, you wear lace underneath?" He questioned.

"And if I don't?" I inquired.

"I don't think I'm capable of punishing you," his words pulled at my heart in the strangest way, I guess because it shouldn't have been such an endearing sentence, but for me it was.

"I'll try my best to play by the rules then" I agreed to Noah's game. My agreement caused him to squeeze my thigh tightly, without breaking his eyes from the road.

Once again I had the heavy inclination to tell him how I felt but I kept my mouth shut, it's far to early so say such things and I fear the repercussions my words may cause. A heavy feeling settled in my chest at the thought of how long I'd have to wait. Things like this always seem to chip away at me little by little.

Once back at the house Noah left me in my room with my shopping bags. I began sorting through bag after bag admiring all that he got me. How does he feel for me? How close is he to feeling the same as I feel for him? The amount of money he spent on me today alone says a lot in my opinion; but who's to say that means anything. After the fifth bag I dropped the first shirt I pulled out back into the bag before turning to the bathroom.

Bad Decisions - Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now