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The next day seemed better than the last, smoother, easier, a little less heaviness in my chest. Maybe it's the fact that with each passing day we were going more and more north, back to the pacific northwest, a place that I used to call home. Maybe I was just adjusting to touring. Maybe I was detaching from Noah, making it easier to survive without his constant presence. Tonight the boys were playing in Portland, they were already busy in the venue, leaving me on the bus to edit photos from the previous night.

I was almost ready to close my laptop and join the boys in the venue when the bus door opened and familiar footsteps came up the stairs. Noah rounded the corner with a devious grin on his face. "What are you up to?" I asked with a quirked brow.

"I have a minute, I thought I'd make good use of it" he said as he slowly stalked over to where I sat at the table. He stopped at my seat and waited for me to look up at him before he reached forward and took my wrist in his hand, pulling me out of my seat easily. He steadied me on my feet before turning towards the back of the bus, tugging me behind him. We passed through the darkened bunk hall and stopped in the back lounge where Noah pulled me close to him as he leaned down, harshly pressing his lips to mine. After a moment, Noah began backing up, taking me with him, his legs hit the couch along the back wall of the bus and he slowly sat down, never breaking the kiss but pulling me onto his lap to straddle him. His hands roamed my body greedily as if looking for something he knows he cannot have. Noah only broke the kiss to wander down my neck like he's done many times before, eliciting many sounds of enjoyment from me, that's why he did it, he just likes hearing those ridiculous noises I make.

"Fuck" I breathed out as he finished his assault on my neck.

"One day, baby, one day," he whispered as he raised back up to meet my lips with his, this time much softer than before. A few more soft kisses before he stopped completely. "How was last night for you?" he asked leaning his head back to look at me

"It was a little overwhelming" I said as I sat up straighter.

"First shows can be" he nodded.

"I was stuck up front the whole time, so I'm hoping in this venue I have an escape route" I gestured behind myself towards the venue.

"I think you do" he said as his hands rubbed up and down my thighs comforting me without me even knowing it. A moment of silence hung over us before I could pull words together to speak again, "I don't know if this is the best career path for me" I confessed before pulling my eyes up to meet his gaze.

"He let out a breath before he spoke. "You might think differently by the end of the tour" he countered.

"We'll have to wait to see, I guess" I shrugged my shoulders although I already knew my mind was made up. There's a part of me that yearned for simplicity, the mundane routine of working in a studio and doing newborn sessions during the week and weddings on the weekends. I want to go home everyday to the same bed in the same house and know that everything is the same. Those thoughts reminded me of home, not L.A., not Washington, but Maryland, where everything is the same as I left it. But the man in front of me. That's why it can't be simple, I love him, but his life isn't simple. I'm going to have to make a choice, comfort or love, neither have I felt in such a long time. Noah moved his hands to cover mine that had settled on his chest.

"I got to get back for sound check, you have time to come along?" he asked as his brown eyes bored into mine. I nodded before cautiously standing up and being led off the bus.

Standing in the long carpeted hallway I waited for Noah to unlock the door to the hotel room we'd be staying in for the night. We are about a week into the tour and finally have a little extra time to spend in a single city. Noah opened the door and held it open for me to enter first. It was a double queen since technically we weren't supposed to be sharing a room at all considering I work for the band. I was thankful Nick decided to turn a blind eye to this, instead of throwing a fit like he often does. I stood near the first bed as Noah moved around the room settling in. I stared at the stark white bedding, Was this our opportunity? We're still only doors down from my brother and definitely under the same roof. Do the same rules apply for hotels? I don't know.

Bad Decisions - Noah Sebastian Where stories live. Discover now