Out Of The Woods

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Tour was winding down with only a week left to go. The wrong number texts continued to come in every day or so.

When am I going to see you again?

You can't hide forever darling.

I've missed you so much.

You'll regret this.

Are you avoiding something?

Just wait till I find you again.

Some texts were definitely more concerning than others, I thought of blocking the number but part of me was afraid to do so. I was beginning to feel like I couldn't hold it in any longer, but I know now if I go to Noah or Nick, they'll focus their anger on why I didn't tell them sooner. I had to tell someone else, someone trustworthy. My only options were Nicholas or Jolly, at this point it was whoever I find alone first is the one who gets to hear the truth.

Currently Noah and I are in the back of the bus in the middle of our morning routine, coffee and contemplation. Noah's phone rang, pulling his attention, causing him to stand up throwing my legs off his lap as he went. "It's Matt, I got to take this," he headed for the front of the bus. I scrambled to follow him but by the time I made it up front he was closing the door behind him.

"Well, bye" I said sarcastically to the closed door.

"He didn't break a rule" a voice came from behind me causing me to jump. "You're not alone he didn't break his own rule" Nicholas said as he stepped further into the front of the bus, taking a seat at the small table. The light bulb in my brain went off, but I had to act fast, there was no telling how long Noah would be on the phone.

"I need your help" I blurted out. "I need you to promise me no matter what you won't tell Noah or Nick anything of what I'm about to tell you, can you promise me that" I asked as I slid into the seat across from him.

He sighed dropping his shoulders down before he spoke, "Alex, I don't know, if it's you safety-"

"Please don't" I begged "I just need someone to listen and understand and not go against me" I pleaded with the man across from me. He stared at me for a moment before nodding his head.

"Okay, shoot, what's going on?" he asked.

"Last week" my voice trembled at the thought of speaking it out loud. "I got this text, and I got another text the next day, and at first I thought nothing of it but now it's starting to worry me." I slid my phone across the table for Nicholas to see. I watched his face as he read through the ten or so texts, I had received. "Do you think this is a wrong number situation?" I asked just above a whisper, "I haven't told Noah or Nick, I don't want them freaking out if it's nothing." I explained as I pulled my phone back. "Please say something?"

"I don't know what to say; I, uh, fuck. At first, I thought all these rules were a little much, now I don't want you breaking any of them, just because we don't know what this is." Nicholas went on as he eyed my phone as if there was some secret answer hidden in plain sight on it.

"Great," I said with a sigh. "I wanted you to tell me I am overthinking, that I'm crazy, delusional even, but no, you're in the same boat as me with this!' I said exasperation heavy in my voice.

"I think you should tell-" he started.

"No! don't say that" I whipped around from my pacing and gave him a warning look; he held his arms up in defense. Just then the door swung open and seconds later Noah was making his way to the back of the bus, taking my hand in his as he passed me.

"What was that about?" I asked as he tugged me through the dark hallway.

"Nothing" he said brushing off his urgent phone call.  "Sorry about that," he apologized as he took a seat pulling me to sit with him. "Matt's just being a real stickler for things right now" he explained as if he realized his answer of 'nothing' was insufficient.

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