Ranboo/Mr. Palm

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(I'm going to be adding a person named Mr. Palm. Why? Because I have free will. Hell yeah!)

Background Info: Y/n and Ranboo lived with other kids at a strict school home where they were assigned chores and taught various subjects. However, if a child misbehaved, they were punished, and if they repeatedly made mistakes, they were given a severe punishment - death. This was not a regular school; the children had no parents and were essentially imprisoned in this strict environment.

Y/n sprinted along the building, a few others trailing behind with ice cream in hand. She spotted her friend Ranboo sitting on a bench, sipping on a juice box and ran over to him.As she approached Ranboo, she greeted him "Hey Ranboo". She then settled down on the bench beside him. Ranboo turned towards her with a gentle expression, his lips curving into a faint smile.

Ranboo finished his juice box and kicked his legs slightly. Despite being only 13 and 14, they knew a lot about their current situation. The place they were in was terrible, but they had no way of escaping. There was no government or any other form of authority in the world, no parents or any sign of life whatsoever.

"I think we have to do a workout today," she said as she sat next to Ranboo, her fingers picking at her thumb nervously. Her eyes shifted towards him, noticing that he seemed quieter than usual. Concern etched her features as she nudged him gently with her elbow. "Hey, are you okay? Is something bothering you?" she asked.

Ranboo turned his head towards her and let out a sigh, his eyes clouded with concern. He then leaned his head on her shoulder, seeking comfort. "I just..." He mumbled, his voice barely audible. "I just worry... about you." She looked down at him and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer to her. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine," she said, reassuring him.

"But..." He spoke with worry. "I can't help but worry about you. You have a liking to find trouble no matter where you go. Your legs may be quick, but they won't always be enough to outrun the teachers."

She chuckled a bit and kicked out her legs. "Oh come on, when did Mr. Palm or any of the other teachers catch me!" She chuckled awkwardly, knowing dang well they have many, many times. Ranboo shot her a look and got off her shoulder. "Okay, they got me a lot, but I've gotten faster!"

Ranboo rolled his eyes at her and got up, throwing the juice box in a nearby trash can. "Come on. Class starts in 2 minutes." She got up and followed behind him as they made their way to the fitness yard.

The fitness yard was a fenced-in area with no grass, only rubber flooring. Workout machines were lined up together and were also connected. That meant everyone had to do their part or it wouldn't work and made it hard for everyone.

As Ranboo and I walked into the fitness yard, we noticed a crowd of students waiting for the teacher to arrive. We made our way through the group and headed to the back. I was not exactly on good terms with the teachers.

After a minute of waiting, the head teacher, Mr. Palm, entered the yard with a smile on his face. "Good morning, everyone," he greeted, picking up his clipboard from a nearby table.

I rolled my eyes and grumbled as he walked in, knowing he was nothing but a psychotic idiot. Ranboo heard me grumble and gently whacked me in the arm. "Don't. Not today," he warned. "I heard he's not in a great mood."

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora