🟪🌀Karl pt.2🌀🟪

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(This one shot was helped on by BouBoutyui! Please credit their amazingness and give them plenty of cookies for their hard work!)

My Instincts kicked in and so my body moved, going to flight mode. Not today, and not ever would I get killed in cold blood.

I got to my feet quickly and rushed past Karl, catching him off guard. I bolted to the doorway and ran out, hopping down the bleachers with precision. Karl swerved around and started following me.

"Leave me alone you psychopath!" I yelled back to him, hearing his feet hit against the metal bleachers as he ran down.

I can still hear his creepy voice calling me as I run, exiting the bleachers. I hopped onto the grass and started running, going along the school building. People see me sprinting and look at me as If I'm crazy, but then see Karl freaking sprinting at me.

A bunch of students got up from their seats to see us while the teachers all started calling 911 for me.

'Honey! Come to me please! We will have so much fun together. I know you're scared but I'm here for you, okay?"

I simply continue to run, now making my way onto the streets going towards the local police station. It was around 4 blocks down, so I did have some running to do.

"Y/N! I'M NOT ASKING AGAIN, STOP!!" Karl yelled, his demeanor changing so suddenly. His footsteps closed in on mine slowly, but surely. Once I least expected it, a force shoved me into an alleyway, making me fall down onto the cement pavement. Blood splattered around my knees and arms as I went to get up on the ground.

I was not fast enough, and so Karl stomped over and shoved me back onto the floor, going over me and pinning me down. His knife was stored in his pocket and his bare hands wrapped around my neck tightly, squeezing down.

I choked and thrashed around underneath him, keeping pinned by his weight.

"Just stay still honey, it'll be okay!"

Everything became so unbearable and I gripped for a breath, but none came. My vision started to get dark splotches in it, and soon enough, my vision faded out completely. My body became limp and I lost consciousness. 


Karl smiled down at me and took his hands off her neck, starting to get off of her. He saw her peaceful unconscious state and grinned widely, reaching down. He gently reached his arms underneath her and lifted her up and into his arms, holding her closely to himself. Her arms dangled by her sides and he smiled brightly at her, glad to finally have her.


About an hour later, I woke up and looked around slightly. I was in a dim room, only a singular bulb not too far from where I sat. When I tried to move, I couldn't. My head turned and I discovered that I was restrained to a pole.

I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside the room, making their way down to the door. It opened and in stepped the cheerful psychopath Karl, his puffy brown hair slightly swaying as he walked. I could see he walked down some stairs, so my best guess is I'm stuck in a basement.

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon