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Trees passed our car as we drove merrily down the road, heading to my friend's camp, as she invited us to go trick or treat there. She also said they would have a Halloween dance after dark. How fun is that!

My mother's face could be seen in part of my vision as I slouched against my car seat. The trees above and around the road were well.... breathtaking.. a real piece of art to love and cherish by anyone, not just a nature nerd.

They were withering to their dying colors of red, brown, orange, and yellow. To me, the colors that made the season were those of the trees.

I took a breath and looked around the car, feeling it's leather interior on my fingertips as I scooted to my right so I could be slightly more comfortable, especially since It was a long ride.

For being 14, I knew a lot, even though I was just so young..

I knew how life works, how things can die, how things can be born... and we must cherish all the time, take all the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

Just a few more minutes, and we'd be there. 

- - - - - - - - - - 

The trees had leaves falling, and oh... we're here!

I could see my friend and her other pals as we passed the gate, my mother parking to let me out, before going, since she wouldn't be staying.

My hand reached to the car handle as it came to a halt, allowing me to get out. My mother unlocked the doors and I pulled it, pushing out the door and stepping out onto the pebble roads. 

My friend, Sara, came over with 2 others with smiles. She was dressed up in a pirate costume, and the others were a grim reaper and a princess.

"Hey Y/n!" My friend cheered as the small group stopped in front of me. By now, my mother had driven around and she stopped the car near us. 

"Stay near them, okay? If you need to text me, just ask her mom, have fun honey!"

And with that I nodded and she drove away out of the camp, past the gates.

I watched her drive away then looked back to Sara and her friends.

"So, this is Jack that you face timed with while we played that game, and this is my cousin Gia."

I smiled and said hi to them all, and we got along great!

"We should head up to the camper, the trick or treating is in like... 8 minutes sooo.."

The group started moving and went up through the camp, up the hill, and into the camper. A dog ran over to me immediately and hopped up and down happily, barking.

I grinned and pet the dog's curly brown hair as I walked over to the couch and sat down. Gia had gone in the back with the door closed to get her other costume on, a high school jock. 

Jack was currently harassing the dog, and Sara was beside me sticking her tongue out at me. I did the same and we both laughed.

Very soon, Gia came out in her costume and we all clapped like idiots as she twirled around like a damn queen.

Jack ventured to the back and closed the door, starting to be a weird fuck and moan.

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat